Hello everyone! I’m new here but wanted to get some advice on mud fever. I live in India and the monsoon this year has been particularly intense, my horse is showing some minor flaking of the skin and redness and I want to nip the pastern dermatitis in the bud before I get any open wounds/ scabs.
I’ve looked online and have seen a lot of good talked about barrier cream as a part of the treatment remedy - unfortunately it’s really hard and takes soooo long to get ointments etc… imported that it’s not a solution when I have an immediate need. So I was wondering… has anyone had any experience doing DIY barrier cream? If so can you provide me a recipe? Or any other tips of how to go about mud fever treatment in a more natural/ DIY way?
He’s currently also recovering from a ligament injury and has to be in the paddock at least 6-8 hours a day for circulation etc…where of course there’s some mud and wetness. I feel like mud boots would be great here but again same issue of no time to import them for my immediate problem… Has any one also ever tried making their own mud boots?
I’m having this crazy idea whereby I take a set of old jumping boots and bell boots and kind of sew some nylon on them to create temporary mud boots. Any thoughts?