DIY Western brim helmet that looks good

This is pretty smart and easy to do. I am going to make one.

Good idea, looks better if both colors match, black helmet and hat, etc.

What an artistic and talented husband to make them look so nice! I hope it catches on!

Those look pretty good. I never would have thought to use the designer duct tape as a hatband!

Someone ought to make those commercially, a regular helmet and then make western hat brims like those as add-ons.

Then get some barrel racers to model them first.

I expect they may catch on in the more active western disciplines.

I think it’s a nice idea! I do hope folks who would not otherwise wear a helmet give this a try.

Smart Pak, among others, offered a front visor sort of thing. It did the job but didn’t look all that attractive. This:
Or this:
which protects front and back.

I’d wear one though, the sun kills my eyes.

I love this! Thanks for sharing!