Has anyone used DMSO on themselves? Just read that in Canada it can be prescribed for Scleroderma, although not sure yet which symptoms. If it can help me regain some ankle and finger flexibility it might be worth trying. Some concern about side effects though.

Years ago, then they said it can contribute to/cause cataracts. I take MSM, though, which they say is close in chemical composition to DMSO. How about topical Voltaren gel on Mr. Finger?

I don’t like the smell on me. I would also use it as a carrier (assist other topical drugs), rather than plan on it to be super helpful by it self. I agree with the voltaren recommendation as well as using back on track gloves and socks (night time possibly?). I actually like to use the pillow wraps (18") for ankles at night rather than the socks.

CHT, I sure hope you’ ve sought genuine medical advice on this. DMSO should not be considered for this. Remember the standards for veterinary medicine are different than for human medicine and there are real reasons for this. Just because something is used on horses does not mean it’s ok for us. Or because it’s used a certain way in horses that it’s ok for humans or that it’d work. Many drugs are still in use for animals that are no longer approved for human use. Bute comes to mind first. DMSO can cause kidney failure in humans. And there’s the obvious dose related issues of size differences between a horse & a person. JMHO!