Then we need a different picture
This one seems pretty straight-forward, as it’s pretty much side-on without any skewed perspective that would visually put you closer to the pommel or cantle
You still don’t have much room to move in this saddle, it’s the smallest seat size, in that make/model, that I’d put you in
I’m a little smaller than you, 5’5" but a 4/6 pants size, and unless an 18" was really flat, I wouldn’t be swimming in it. And remember, seat size is not a universal measurement, it’s only really valid for comparing between the same make and model of a saddle, not between different models, and for sure not between different makes/brands
Butt size DOES matter, it’s just not the only component You have to have a good hand’s width between crotch and pommel, and butt and cantle, AND when you’re sitting in the center of the seat, the deepest part which even a flat saddle has, the stirrup bar placement has to allow your leg to hang properly