Do these spurs exist?

I’ve started searching online, but haven’t had much luck so far.

I’m looking for a western spur that is basically a band and a little nub. Remy is super sensitive and even the ball spurs are too much (for the couple days a year that I use them). I found a great pair for english that are exactly what I wanted, but I’d like to find them in a western spur as well. So far anything I’ve found has too long of a shank.

Have you tried a scroll or chubby rowel? Chubby rowel has no shank.

You could peruse Teskey’s online catalog, there are a couple other humane spur options or spurs with very short, downturned shanks.

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Fitted and used properly, any horse should be able to tolerate a sour because it doesn’t touch the horse unless you make a deliberate attempt to. Casey Deary talks a lot about this in detail. With that being said, a cloverleaf rowel is very kind and forgiving…its what I ride 2 year olds in.


I have a pair of the humane spurs, and honestly I hate them. I can use them effectively, but I really wish I had short shank rowled spurs, maybe the cloverleafd. Being about the roll the rowel would make it much easier to whisper with them.

Sidewinder/scroll or bumper spurs may be worth checking out.