My horse fell on me almost two weeks ago. It hurt my foot but nothing crazy, so I didn’t see a doctor, just iced and took advil. The foot never got that swollen and I was limping, but thought it was getting better.
Cut to now, two weeks later, and it’s not better. If anything, it’s a bit worse. I’m limping most of the time for walking and it hurts to touch (around the bottom and outer-side, where it got crushed). I know at this point I should get it checked out. I think I’m procrastinating because I’m worried it’s something bad, and/or that they’ll tell me to stop riding and I don’t want to.
I also think this is partially because I’m Canadian and used to free doctors, and now living in the USA I’m stressed about dealing with insurance and doctors visits in general, so I’ve noticed I definitely just…don’t really go there if I can avoid it.
Wondering if anyone has any advice for this weird psychological block. I just need to go…but keep shying away from it and not sure about the source of this anxiety.