Do you see anything wrong with my harness/ cart?

Please be gentle lol but do you see anything glaringly wrong with my set up? I’ve tried to follow all the measurements I’ve found searching online with the ADS as well as what the harness shop has helped me fit

. I’m hoping to get to attend some clinics when the local driving clubs start having them again this spring. My saint of a mare seems happy and comfortable in it (excuse the cutting off of part of her head but it was hard to hold her and take the photo). My husband has been humoring me with my constant help me adjust this and that, wait put these wheels on, weld this, etc. It still has a couple of things that I want to do (it needs a step added, needs a whip holder and I’m looking for different seats because this seat sucks)

I’m no expert, but IMHO the cart could be a bit farther from her hind end. If she takes a big stride she could hit the basket with a hind.
Breeching is too low, should be at the middle of her butt.
The neckstrap looks too high, should be sitting on her withers, not her neck
Breastcollar needs to go down a hole or more, so it’s not on her windpipe.
Hard to see in the photo, but the throatlatch looks tight. You should be able to fitt a finger under it.
I’m not familiar with the placement of those curved type of shafts & could be mistaken, but to my eye they should be farther up - nearer the point of her shoulder. Where they end now looks like turning could poke her.

Maybe contact one of those Driving clubs, go to a meeting & show members the photo.
If they’re anything like my club, you’ll be welcomed & given good advice.

Thank you-

The cart is 18.5 inches behind so that according to what I have found that is acceptable? She is saddlebred and a very up and down mover. The only way to adjust it to make it farther from her is to change out the front part of the shafts but that makes it be almost 27 inches from her and she seems uncomfortable pulling like that
I’ll adjust the breeching.
She’s wearing a Eurocollar not a breastcollar and that was custom fitted for her. According to the harness maker and the trainer I can connect with occasionally, it’s supposed to be quite tight? Is that not right?
Curved shafts can’t go further up- they have a small hook that keeps them right at that point, they are supposed to be set like a marathon cart. I do have a set of the marathon pads ordered for her
Throatlatch has 4 fingers (maybe it’s the angle or the rope halter under the bridle that makes it look tight?)


I agree with the breeching needing to go up a hole or two and make sure you can fit a fist (thumb to pinky, the wider way) between her bum and the breeching.

The shafts look fine to me, she is not straight and turning towards you to look at you which makes it seem a little wonky in the shoulder area. I would tighten the back strap, possibly one hole (again she is not straight, but there should be a little bounce in the back strap, not slop. the couper as well could go a hole higher, but if you can tighten the back strap, that may fit that.

Yes, please get a step and a whip holder.

I would really let her fly to see if she hits the “dash/floor mesh” but I dont think she will.

She looks like a nice mare.

ETA I thought she was a STB, so I deleted my question about pacer/trotter my bad.

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The cart needs more space. If she picks up a good extended trot, she’s going to hit the basket as the cart sits a bit low.

Breast collar should/could be dropped a hole or two.

Breaching is too low and that crupper looks like it has too much play in it.

It’s so hard without being hands on and seeing how the breast collar from the front. ASBs run narrow so can be hard to fit.


thank you! I will make the breeching/ back strap/ crupper adjustments- and the whip holder and step are on order. For riding, I know exactly how everything should fit and finding that same type of info for driving has been quite the challenge.
I’ve let her get into her big, endurance horse trot and she hasn’t had an issue with it hitting her. I think when I eventually get to use it on my Morgan mare, I’ll need to put in the pieces to lengthen it
She is a really nice mare. She was a super endurance horse and did up to 75 milers but the woman who had her had some back issues and wasn’t comfortable riding her any more. Technically I bought her for my niece who’s 12 but she only gets to come and ride once a week so the rest of the time I get to play with her. We think she was an Amish horse at one point .


Apologies, I do know Eurocollars (& want one for my mini), but didn’t see that was one in the photo. Yes, they sit & fit like a standard collar would.
I’d still want more than 18 inches between her hind end & the basket. She may be an UpDown mover, but unless she’s a Paso Fino, her hind could reach your basket.
What sign of discomfort did she show when driven farther from the cart?
The marathon pads should prevent the shafts poking her :ok_hand:
Breeching should sit at the roundest part of her butt standing, but loose enough so you can slip your flat hand between it & her.

You mention an “occasional” trainer.
Can they evaluate this harness fit & cart for you from your photo?

Like you, I’m counting the days until I can drive.
I miss doing this:

Like it was harder to pull esp on bigger hills and when we showed to photos to the other trainer I’ve worked with a little when I had it farther away she said too far (my friend and I took an hour “clinic” type class from them on general info). I’ve let her out in her big endurance trot (about 16 mph) and she has not hit it
Getting info or a response from the trainer is like pulling teeth. I don’t want to show so I’m a back burner afterthought type client I feel like. If I sent her a pic and said does this fit- I’d get a one word yes or no and no further information. It’s very frustrating

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I won’t argue with your Pro.
But I still recommend hooking up with a local Club.
Mine is 40yo, non-competitive (though a couple members have done CDE) & very welcoming to newbs.
I rode with them for about 5yrs before I had my own driving horse. Joined mainly for the great post-drive potlucks :roll_eyes:
A group goes to The Ntl Drive every Fall.
I missed the last 3yrs, hoping to go this Fall.

If she hasn’t hit it, then stick where it is.

Nice setup and horse. She looks like a good egg.


no please feel free to argue - I definitely know pro does not equate to always right. I may try and see how the longer shafts fit again with a few adjustments
I did join 2 local clubs but it’s still winter so not much happening yet

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she is a very good egg and she’s being very patient with my learning.

I’m definitely adjusting the breeching and crupper as everyone has suggested


My Club does stuff monthly when it’s too cold to drive.
In January we were invited to a local Volunteer FD that’s started a Large Animal Emergency Rescue Team. My vet is a consultant & has assysted on some gnarly rescues:
-Percheron Draft stuck in an overturned trailer - he was fine & stayed with the vet for a week.
-Semi hauling 65 feeder calves jackknifed. They saved most, had to euth 5 onsite :disappointed:
Very interesting lecture.
Last week they visited a local collector who has a small private museum with an awesome collection of antique carriages & cars, including a restored 10-passenger stagecoach.
I didn’t go this year, I’ve been 3 or 4 times, not really a museum person.
Next month they’re going to an Amish harness shop. I might go, even though I don’t need harness.
So ask & your locals might be doing something interesting.
You can probably come as a guest without paying dues unless you decide to join.

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That eurocollar is little hybrid looking. It’s euro on the top, but a little more typical breast collar on the bottom, or at least that’s the way it looks from the side view. Pics can be deceptive but because of that it does look a little high on the windpipe. But that could also be how she’s standing, and everything is fine in movement when it matters. It may be worth it to show the pic to your person so you can double check that things are good in movement. Traditional eurocollars are more oval than breast collars so by definition they stay off the windpipe, which is why this one is attracting notice. But there’s lot of hybrid stuff in this country that isn’t really a eurocollar. This is a eurocollar from Europe, it holds its oval shape like a true collar. It’s different than anything I’ve seen for sale in this country!

dressage 1~2


Mine is definitely oval and stiff (but padded). It was made by Yonie’s harness if that’s any help. I tried the one called comfy collar for her that is super soft and flexible but we just couldn’t get it to fit right. She has that super skinny ASB neck with a big shoulder. Saddle fitting on her is fun too. I will double check how it’s sitting on her and try some adjustment

Yes, I’ve seen the yonnies brollar. It’s way better shaped and stiffer than most of them but still less “formed” than the French or eurocollar. Both do the same job, but the fit is a bit different. But just like the comfy fit breast collar, that’s ok. Not all collars fit all horses, that’s why we have so many options!

(Actually the comfy fits my guy to perfection, but as a fjord he’s about as far from a saddlebred neck as the equine genome will allow :rofl:)


lol- I have a Fjord too and yes, I don’t think she or the ASB could be any more different than one another in build or personality haha

I have a couple of things I still am waiting for to be finished at Yonies (because technically the ASB belongs to my 12 year old niece so clearly she needs a bridle with pink sparkle padding lol)- I’m going to have him recheck fit on everything too


Being petty here, but how much “air time” does your horse get when trotting, using her back? Our Sport horse type animals get a lot of air time in their trots. They lift backs a LOT, which means they need longer back strap to crupper length, in preventing crupper “wedgies!” Any standing inspections before competition, has inspector suggesting we shorten back strap at least a hole or two because they are at almost a flop-to-the-side length. We say the horses will use up the length when in motion. Inspectors do look at them after we leave, later agree our horses DO NEED that extra length to be comfortable when working. They just do not fit “normal” settings on harness fitting.

The collar type piece, should not cut into her windpipe, either standing relaxed or with head lowered. Horses lower heads to pull weight or gaining leverage going uphill. Picture is not clear on the fit, so perhaps a front view or better sideview.

We’re headed out this afternoon for a long conditioning drive. I’ll make adjustments and take photos for a re-critique

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