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Does anyone have a Pegasus butterfly saddle

so glad to find this thread. I’m getting close to buying a Pegasus butterfly, but still scoping-out the Dynamic saddles first. My horses are so vastly different from eachother. The current contender i’m starting is a mutton-withered big mare. She is next to impossible to fit. I’m using an elderly arab’s endurance saddle right now, and that centerfire rigging is what’s saving her. I’m considering the Icelandic “Lukka” model in Pegasus Butterfly line. It is odd looking… has anyone ever seen an Icelandic dressage saddle in low-level shows? I suppose i could get away with just about anything in them though huh?

I love my Claudia Butterfly dressage saddle. I have used it with a number of horses including: a small, short-backed quarter horse; several Norwegian Fjord horses; a couple of Haflingers; Missouri Foxtrotter; mustang; and 2 morgans. It didn’t fit the Haflingers very well without a cantle shim but it fit all the other horses nicely. Unfortunately I’ve put on about 25 pounds since I bought the saddle and it no longer fits me properly. So I just decided to put it up for sale. I bought it new about six years ago through a saddle fitter. I haven’t used it that much the last few years because I’ve mostly been trail riding and carriage driving. It’s in excellent condition and is a black 17 inch saddle. I think I’ll price it at $2,800.

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Is this saddle still available?

It is available. Would you like me to send you photos?