I hope that questions makes sense. It looks like I’m going to convert half of my barn into a run-in. There are already two Dutch doors, more or less near the ends of the long side, so they are in a good place. However, one is 30 inches wide (!) and one is 40 inches wide, so I will be replacing them with new doors that would be a full four feet wide. I love the look and functionality of the Dutch doors, and I would like my new doors to be Dutch doors also.
However, the way the ones I have now are set up, and the way I’ve always seen them, they have a 50 / 50 split, meaning the door is cut in half exactly at the middle of the door. This looks really nice, but for my situation I’m not sure it’s a great idea. This ends up barely coming up higher than the lower part of my big guy’s chest, and he has a history of making poor decisions, so I’m hoping to make the bottom half of the door higher, so that he doesn’t get any ideas about jumping out or something.
I’m just not sure how it would look. Of course functionality is the most important thing, but esthetics are nice also. I’m wondering if I go with a 60 / 40 split, if it would look OK. Does anyone have a set up like this that they could take a picture of and post?
Or even just tell me if there’s some way to Google this. My searches so far haven’t been very effective.
Thank you!