Does anyone here have any involvement (pro or con) with TWH Big Lick showing? I need to interview someone

This may seem like an odd request, but I am taking a capstone course at my university where I have to interview someone. My research issue is related to horse soring in the TWH industry. I am needing to ask someone specific questions regarding my “research issue”. This is not a pro/con type thing. It could be someone involved as a vet, legislator, owner, trainer, etc. Please PM me if you would be willing to share some of your perspective.

Thanks in advance.

I would not have any preconceived questions. I would ask open ended questions.

  • Tell me about your job?
  • Tell me about the TWH breed?
  • Do they have competitions?
  • How are they judged?
  • How are they trained?
  • Etc…Etc…Etc

Unfortunately, everyone has the same eight questions that we have to ask in our interview. That’s part of the assignment. For instance, one question is:

What is your role related to “the issue” of _____ and how do you interact with the issue on a daily or weekly balance.

These are not questions to generate controversy.



They are not? Starting out with the premise that there is a problem is a set-up for controversy.

By asking an open ended question such as “Is there a controversy in the training of TWH?” opens the door. If they say no, you can ask for explanations. If they say “yes” then you can probe that.

But setting up someone with “What is your role related to the problem of xxxx…” is a setup for putting someone on the defensive because you indirectly are accusing them of being complicit in whatever problem is under discussion.

What kind of course is this? This is an honest question. I teach at a university and am advisor to senior capstone projects…so I am curious what sort of course would approach a capstone course in this manner.


I probably could have worded it better. But anyway, it is exactly that, my senior capstone class. I actually do not enjoy it, nor do I relish this interview project, yet I still have to do it. I asked for a PM if anyone wanted to participate.



You might consider finding people on the many TWH groups on Facebook. I’ve seen a padded horse or two in those groups (I’ve been low key trying to decide whether I want a walker as my next mount, so I’m doing early research).

Are there any Walker farms in your area that you might befriend?

That’s a really tough assignment depending on where you live.


You might reach out to Scot McGregor via Facebook. He’s a friend and professional horse trainer, with a lifetime in TWHs and racking horses. Doesn’t sound like it would take much time and he’s fun to talk to.


YES!! I actually know of Scot – I see him at shows. I didn’t even think of that. Thank you for the recommendation. I appreciate it.


Scott would be good to talk to. Such a super touchy topic. I personally hate soring. The Walking Horse is such a lovely docile breed that I can’t even fathom some other breeds allowing it to happen.
I love TN, I love my Walkers but I hate soring. That said, padded horse appear to be slowly falling out of favor and flatshod is gaining favor still with long toes and underrun heels but I guess it’s a start.


I read the word “issue” to mean “topic”, rather than “problem.” I wonder if the OP has flexibility to change the wording in the interview question to make it clearly sound more neutral than negative?


Marty Irby has extensive experience on both sides of the soring controversy. You could try contacting him through his fb page.


You know, I just asked for clarification on something from my prof, and I think I can get away with some rewording. I’ll tweak it. I can do this more as a narrative as opposed to a Q. and A. I think that may help. Thanks.


Thanks, all, for the suggestions. I know I’m a rare breed, but I don’t have FB, so I’m having to find other ways. I think I may be able to get to Scot though since we both belong to the same local dressage association.

If you are still needing this, email me at, and I will help you. I have had TWH and Racking horses for over 50 years.


Thanks, Gnalli. I have since graduated, so I don’t need any further information at this time. I do appreciate your asking, though! It was an interesting project.

you’re welcome. I have been absent from Coth for a while.

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