Thank you, yes I had looked briefly at that thread but did not realize how much it has advanced over the years! It is amazing how many riders have suffered for so long.
Your story in particular Simkie has revealed an outcome I have not seen before. I’m sorry you’ve had to go through all of that. My surgeon specializes in FAI in young(er) people and has a researchgate account full of publications on the topic so I hope I’m in good hands.
I supposed what I am specifically wondering how long it took ppl to get back in the saddle at all, whether or not they were 100%. The timing for this is pretty awful - I just bought my horse and am moving across the country to where board is going to cost double what it is where I am currently. So having a better idea about timing and whether or not I can expect to be able to hop on and plunk around at 3 months will help me figure out if it’s worth it to ship him now or better to lease him out where he is while I recover.
Thank you all for your replies and willingness to indulge me even though it’s somewhat repetitive of the other thread