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Does anyone use a lip strap with their curb chain?

Were do you find them?

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The lip strap is used to keep the chin chain in the chin groove. Some horses, mine included, the chain rides upward onto the delicate bone area where there is not a lot of tissue protection. I bought my lip strap from Dressage Extensions.

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Yes, Where DO you find them, mjhco? I scoured the internet (I thought) searching for one. Yes, my leather straps get super funky, they’re hard to remove to clean and eventually they just rot. I wanna chain!!


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I use a lip chain instead of strap. The straps don’t hold up as well because of all the slobber that gets on them.

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Thanks, Xanthoria – that’s the one I found, but it doesn’t look just like the one illustrated above. But I ordered one anyway! Any other sources would be appreciated, Y’all!

There is one on ebay right now

Ha! Someone snapped it up already!!

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I ride saddle seat, and it’s legal there. I saw one in a photo in an old horse book with pics from ‘40s and’ 50s, liked the look, and just had to have it. I bought mine from Libertyville Saddle Shop in IL in the late '80s. That store closed. I haven’t seen lip chains sold for years. My other reason was the import lip straps are a fugly cheap leather and messy stitching. A good Brit lip strap with rolled leather is gorgeous, but I’m not sure that high quality is offered anymore, either.

Cool! But I like my snap ends 100x better than hooks. lol

So maybe the hooks could be replaced with snaps? Will be visiting my local hardware store once my chain arrives. Perhaps a snap more appropriate for jewelry would serve…

I just looked at our rules for Dressage – a lip strap is mentioned, but not the chain. Waaaah!

I am another who has always used one on any full or (hunter pelham) bridle.They were rolled leather.

It was just a part of the bridle, explained to me (eons ago) by my instructor as the part that kept the curb chain from moving from its proper position,stopped the horse from mouthing the curb shanks and as a bonus, kept the curb chain on the bridle in the tack room.

You are correct. This needs to be clarified.

In the meantime, I use the chain day to day. Pull it at the show. Put it back on as soon as I am off the horse. Rinse repeat.

That makes sense. I like the everyday practicality of the chain for easy cleaning. And for showing, the leather strap wouldn’t get THAT nasty.