For context, I will be phoning the vet in the morning about this and have actually been in contact with them throughout this process. Anyways.
For reference, the dog is 12 years old and is 3/4 Lab, 1/4 Plott Hound if that makes any difference. He is on a salmon-based kibble due to a sensitive stomach.
Within the past 4ish weeks, my dog has been pooping in the house at very early hours in the morning. Poop is fairly soft and he tends to strain while going, sometimes walking a bit while going. Has been a little gassier lately too, not audible ones if that makes a difference. Also drinking significantly more water than usual but appetite is the same. His weight has always been consistently good.
His behavior is also still pretty normal besides the pooping and on walks, he sniffs a lot more now. It’s really odd, like he’s very intrigued in something. Usually we use either no leash or a long retractable leash (solid voice commands and no pulling issues with the retractable) so it’s not like he’s ever been restricted from sniffing anyways on walks.
Throughout his life he has always had a sensitive stomach and will throw up the vast majority of dog treats. This goes for medication as well including painkillers and antibiotics. We’ve run blood tests multiple times and also had stool checked. When the pooping first started, I brought him to the vet and we tried a probiotic. While at least he didn’t throw it up, he did poop in the house a couple days later. I called the vet again and the vet tech on the line said to try putting plain white rice in with his food to see if that helped for a few days. He ended up throwing it up unfortunately.
I doubt this is him acting out or anything since I can’t imagine anything would have caused it, routine is typically pretty consistent. Sorry, not trying to dump an essay here but just very confused and was wondering if anyone has had anything similar.