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Dog ate 2.4 lbs of (Human) Cookies...

I read a book by Lewis Grizzard’s exwife that had a great story in it. Lewis bought a lot of the thin, tall socks, almost like trouser socks. The socks kept disappearing, and Lewis thought she was losing them in the wash or something. They were having an outdoor party one evening, and their basset hound started having an extended, groaning, dump session right next to the patio, that everyone was trying to ignore. Then Mrs. Grizzard looked over, and told Lewis she found his missing socks. Yes, the basset had eaten them and was pooping them out right next to the party.

I used to work at a boarding kennel and Rocky a Ridgy mix was a weekend warrior, his owners were always jetting off some place every couple of weekends.

At the boarding kennel owners like to leave things with their dogs; beds, sweatshirts, treats, toy, etc. Rocky never came with such nice things, but he always went home with items; socks, a wash cloth, the remote control, the batteries for the remote control, SUNGLASSES! LOL

He was such a nut, he was always getting some surgery due to his habit of eating things he should not be eating that he would just break the cone of shame, instead he had a 5 gallon plastic bucket tied to his collar with twine. LOL

Our old Standard Poodle loved crayons. He never ate anything that he shouldn’t, except for crayons. He would poop out mounds of colored bits of chewed up crayon. Years after we lost him to cancer, we still had a pile of colored wax shards (leftover after the poop was washed away) at the edge of our lawn. It was sort of comforting. Lucky that we only bought the made in the USA (hopefully) low-lead type.

I will NEVER forget coming home at lunch and to find that my dogs had made a sandbox of the kitchen and the 20 lb bag of rice I had recently picked up at sams. It is simply AMAZING how much rice is in one of those bags, and how much rice two dogs can actually eat…and then puke and shit out all over for the next several days.

They went into an x-pen when I was gone from then on out. The dogs loose in house alone experiment was ended.

Just bumping this up…hoping for a positive update!

I once came home to find my lab/poodle cross happily munching away on a small potted cactus, spikes and all…I’m not sure what enticed him to do that?

Ginger ate 75 of the 100# lab’s thyroid pills bottle and all. She recently ate a roach motel.

The 100# lab will eat anything. He was outside at a kid’s party and a a couple of the giant hershey chocolate bars.

Neither dog ever got sick. The emergency vet said the pills should have killed ginger. -Nothing.

Sorry for the lack of an update!

Molly is just fine- vomiting ceased on Friday afternoon, and all returned to normal. She is no worse for wear, and enjoyed a romp with her Weimaraner friend on Saturday night. She’s back to eating her normal food, and I’m back to making sure ALL FOOD IS STOWED SAFELY IN CABINETS :c)!!!

Several years ago I had a small standard wire dachsie that I was showing in obedience. Our obedience club was having a fun match one weekend and members were expected to bring treats for the club to sell at the concession stand. So I bought 2 dozen “monster” cookies. Giant concoctions with oatmeal, raisins, peanut butter and chocolate chips. Went home, fed the dogs and went out to mow the yard. Came back in just in time to see Sundae diving off the dining room table. She had eaten a dozen cookies and picked the chocolate chips out of the other dozen. This was on top of her regular meal. She looked like she was about to whelp a dozen pups. I was afraid of bloat so I crated her immediately and gave her limited amounts of water at regular intervals for the rest of the evening. The fun match was the next morning. That morning Sundae still looked pregnant but hadn’t vomited or anything and was highly miffed that she didn’t get breakfast. I took her outside, she ran around the yard, no poop. Loaded her up and took off for the match where she was entered in a Pre-novice class. Once at the match I walked her again, and again and again. No poop. Went in for individual exercises. After the individual exercises, walked her some more, no poop. Went in for group exercises. We made it through the long sit fine but in the middle of the long down, she gets up, yawns, stretches, daintily minces to the center of the ring and takes this ginormous dump. Then she proceeds to come to me, do a perfect front and looks up at me with, I swear, a smile on her face as if to say, “I feel so much better now.” Meanwhile I was trying to pretend I didn’t know whose dog this was and that my dog was the lab lying perfectly still across the ring. [

Ginger ate 75 of the 100# lab’s thyroid pills bottle and all. She recently ate a roach motel.

The 100# lab will eat anything. He was outside at a kid’s party and a a couple of the giant hershey chocolate bars.

Neither dog ever got sick. The emergency vet said the pills should have killed ginger. -Nothing.[/QUOTE]

OMG. I have a Ginger dog that can eat anything, too. Or at least she used to until someone shot her and the bullet was in her intestines for 3 days. :frowning:

The entry wound was just behind her ribs and in whorl in her fur, so we had no clue what had happened. She just wasn’t her usual perky self and didn’t want to eat much (highly unusual).

When we finally took her to the vet, she stumped the vet, too, until he X-rayed her and there it was: a .22 slug in her gut. She’s now minus a rather substantial section of her intestine, so I have to be careful not to feed her too much fat or rich food or she’ll make a mess.

Before that, however, she ate an entire 1# bar of Hershey’s Special Dark Chocolate and never missed a beat. I only knew about it because I saw the wrapper in her poop and the bar was gone. Dog weighs about 35#. She is tough.

Thanks for the update, OP. Glad “things” are back to normal.