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Dog ate 2.4 lbs of (Human) Cookies...

My husband and I both have some kind of flu-ish bug, and my father brought us a box of cookies yesterday morning from his local bakery (so nice of him). He left them on the counter, and in my febrile haze, I forgot to put them in the cabinet. Pit bull vacuum devoured ever last crumb in the hour window it took me to realize what I’d done…

When I woke up (WIDE EYED, OHMYGODTHEDAMNCOOKIESAREPROBABLYINSIDEOFTHEDOG), it was too late. The cookies were, indeed, inside of the dog. Now they are coming out of the dog in the form of vomit. A lot of vomit. They were oatmeal cookies with cranberries. She is pooping normally, albeit A LOT. But she has vomited about 15-20 times since said cookie feast. Other than the vomiting and pooping, she is acting completely normal. She dragged me to the park this morning (vomited twice on the way there, then tried to eat the vomit on the way back… eye roll). I haven’t fed her a meal of real dog food since the cookies because… well… she ate 2.4 lbs of cookies? She is drinking a lot of water and vomiting that back up some, too. Then trying to eat that. Yay!

On a more serious note, she doesn’t seem dehydrated, her gums are pink, she isn’t bloated, and she is still interested in food and her toys. She is just puking A LOT. IN ALL THE PLACES.

My question is, is this amount of vomit vet-worthy?

A picture of cookie monster pre-shame: http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc6/261774_10150269344974049_2336827_n.jpg

Yes, a trip to the vet is warranted.

A bunch of oatmeal + cranberry cookies doesn’t automatically equal a vet appt for me. Is she keeping some water down? Is she staying hydrated? Gums are pink and moist and her skin doesn’t tent? Then I would just deal with it at home.

If she starts looking dehydrated, or starts vomiting bile or foam, I’d get her into the vet for some fluids and anti-nausea drugs, but otherwise keep her home, let her puke and just monitor.

No, skin is not tenting. Gums are pink, and blood refill is quick when you press on them. Her gums are also moist. She is definitely keeping some water down. She is drinking a lot- drank about 3/4 of a bowl since this morning, and her vomit is not foamy or really liquidy… its more… cookie-y (if that’s an image you can picture). She did scarf down a bunch of water after our walk this morning (typical for her), and throw up about a tablespoon of that, but it was completely clear and not foamy or bile-like.

I will keep an eye on her for the next several hours. I called my vet who said their schedule is very open until 8pm tonight. If the vomiting doesn’t subside or she goes downhill in any way, I will take her in for a looksie and some meds.

Had a dog that ate 17 cupcakes, although not all at once. 17 disappeared from the countertop, but later found several had been hidden – behind the potted plant, behind the throw pillows on the sofa in the living room, etc. I found the empty wrappers during the next couple of days. I figured she’d eaten an even dozen at the time of the initial feast. Fortunately they weren’t frosted yet.

She had no ill effects except for some loose stools.

I called my vet at the time and she said to keep an eye on the dog and take her in if she seemed in distress.

My mini poodle ate an entire bag of white chocolate chips (which are not poisonous to dogs like regular chocolate is). Had a fun night of puking it up but he was fine after a few hours. As long as the dog seemed healthy in every other way I personally wouldn’t go to the vet unless maybe there was a LOT of chocolate in them (though my older dog ate a whole bag of maltesers one time and he was just hyper haha)

If you have a good relationship with your vet and he/she doesn’t charge you for quick calls, you might want to touch base. I suspect you would be told to keep doing what you are doing to monitor your dog, but peace of mind is worth a lot.

If you have a good relationship with your vet and he/she doesn’t charge you for quick calls, you might want to touch base. I suspect you would be told to keep doing what you are doing to monitor your dog, but peace of mind is worth a lot.[/QUOTE]

I did call my vet (mentioned above) because I realized it was Friday and I thought worst case scenario would be an e-vet trip at some later point. She said their schedule is pretty open until they close at 8pm, so if things get any worse, or the vomiting doesn’t subside, just bring her in and they will take a look at her. I’m definitely a peace of mind person.

My dog, bless her heart, has eaten (on different occasions):

Entire loaf of bread (this has happened numerous times)
3/4 full jar of Nutella
2 lbs of Russell Stover Chocolates
Approximately 125 tabs of Cosequin DS
Full jar of peanut butter
Probably a bunch of other stuff I dont know about!

I swear I am a responsible dog owner. I also swear the cats are in on helping her retrieve things from the counter.

The Russell Stover and Cosequin really concerned me the most. With the chocolates, she did as you are describing…vomited, drank lots of water, vomited, etc. Calmed down when we went to bed. Woke us whining at 2 am to go out and had an explosive diarrhea moment. Seemed fine the next day and was able to eat her food. During this whole process she was alert and STILL wanting to eat…she looked completely normal except for the vomiting part.

With the Cosequin, on the advice of a small animal vet who happened to be my old college roommate (yay, free advice!), we induced vomiting with peroxide, but the rest of the routine was pretty much the same.

I would just monitor. Your pooch may be fine, just uncomfortable and bloated from eating so much. And if you ever have a doubt…take her in. BTW…she is very cute:D

Good luck!

With any luck, time and no more food will cure the vomiting. Oatmeal is dense, and the added water on top of it causes even more expansion. It takes a while for the gut to pass it through.

My pitty ate an entire bag of rabbit food, preceeded to drink a gallon of water and before my eyes she started balooning out. She couldnt poop, vomit or anything for the first little bit, then after a few hours she did start vomiting small amounts and then the poop began…and continued in vast amounts. I did end up taking her into the vets to give her IV fluids (to hopefully help keep her well hydrated to help pass everything). After only a few hours of fluids, everything started swelling, there was simply no more room for anything including fluids! So home we went, with 36 hours of witholding food (silly pitty still WANTED to eat) other than the occasional single kibble. She was just fine, and continued to eat an entire bag of cat food several months later. Nor I, or she, will ever learn.

Jingles the puke an poop will subside soon :wink:

PS - Said pitty also ate a giant bar of 95% cocoa . Ended her up in ICU with an anesthetic for a gastric lavage, charcoal treatments, IV fluids, urinary catheter and continuous ECG monitoring. Bill was $1600 and dog was absolutley fine… Ive come to learn pitties = garbage guts!

My mom’s dalmation ate 5# of Devon fudge with no repercussions, well, no digestive repercussions. :wink:

Same dog also ate an entire butter cake, followed by an entire butter cake covered with red pepper (courtesy of my grandfather) that didn’t bother her either.

as long as it’s coming out (one end or the other) and the dog doesn’t seem to be seriously ill I wouldn’t bother the vet.

I won’t worry about taking the dog to the vet. My riley decided that it would be fun to eat 4 DOZEN!!! Cupcakes (minus frosting) Wrappers and all.

In total he consumed 1.5 lbs of butter, 3 cups of peanut butter, a bag of chocolate chips, 2 cups of veggie oil, god knows how much sugar, and 3 cups of soy/almond milk. The only saving grace was that they were gluten free cupcakes and except for the chips and butter, milk free cupcakes. I cried so hard when I found him, and he seemed so pleased that he ate ALL the cupcakes that I was taking to a cupcake challenge.

His belly was the size of a basketball !!

Needless to say that he did NOT get any food till all that had past and while he did not throw it up, it was pretty runny, if not brightly colored (from the wrappers) poo.

I did give him some pumpkin and slowly start to introduce some kibble about a day after the ordeal.

I suspect he’ll be fine. He’ll also do it again today if he gets the chance. I bet that the vomiting will subside, and I also bet that there is a good chance of a 3 a.m. explosive diarrhea attack.

A little hint-rivers of dried diarrhea poop clean up best with a really wide putty knife (I prefer a 4 to 6 inch metal one), and white vinegar and water mixed 50/50 does a nice job on the rest. If you don’t have a back yard, then make sure Mr. Naughty stays on vinyl tonight or you’ll be on here about how to clean rug tomorrow. Don’t bother sending this to dog shaming either, because the worst offenders look proud, not shamed.

Hope you all feel better soon.

My dogs have eaten:

My birth control pills (vet thought this was VERY amusing and said that the only side effect might be barking in a high pitch for a while. He could barely get that out, he was laughing so hard.

An entire turkey, a pound of butter, a pecan pie, a pumpkin pie, a pumice stone, a jar of Vaseline and several bars of soap. Not all at the same time and not all the same dog, but believe it or not, my old collie was the worst about eating inappropriate things. She LOVED vaseline and soap.

Jingles for your dog.

Oh my, my dogs have been bad, bad doggies in their time.

My old pit/lab mix Molly ate everything. She taught herself to open the fridge one day, and I came home to mass refridgerator destruction and a very bloated and happy dog. I don’t remember all that she ate that day, but it was an impressive amount of food. I lived with duct tape on my fridge for years because of her. Same dog once ate half a 40# bag of dog food in one sitting (she weighed 40 pounds), she ate six unrisen yeast rolls at one time, and learned how to open the pantry door and ate things like dried rice, pudding mix, and uncooked mac and cheese. We moved all but cans to a top cupboard, and she then chewed open a can of green beans and ate that. She then got put back in her crate when we weren’t home for the duration of her life.

My old dachshund mix apparently had a deal with the cat any time we made sugar cookies. Cat would get on the counter and knock them off to the dog. It was only sugar cookies, and we took great pleasure in watching this critter by play.

I once came home to a note from my husband:
“Today the dogs ate a bag of rice, a bag of sweet tarts, your riding crop handle, a loaf of bread, and two apples. They also squished an orange on the floor”

Yup, kept that note for awhile, it was funny.

I swear I am a responsible pet owner, really…

Any time my poodle gets into ANYTHING his stomach does this! He will just eat and eat and eat and eat! And becomes rock hard and he finds it harder to breathe.
If he goes to the kennels for a weekend, for some reason they think he needs a TON of food and he always comes back home like this.

He has ALSO eaten a whole turkey. He used to sneak out the dog run, run across the driveway and up the front porch where our garbage was, eat EVERYTHING, then sneak back the same way!

He would a day or 2 later puke up a super hard white looked-like-a-piece-of-poo puke. Gross.

I am in stitches! These are all too funny, CoTHers have the best dog/animal stories.

My boxer has a thing for nail files…no idea why but she finds one and chews it all to pieces and then consumes the pieces.
She’s also puked up a plastic shopping bag, about 6 feet of twine, and a chunk of black cloth all at once.

My ex bf’s pit bull/husky mix, once ate an entire rum cake (made with extra rum) poor thing was so sick! She also got into zucchini bread, banana bread, cupcakes and brownies

My Rottie once ate an entire rancid deer leg that my dad had left out (thanks dad!) she was sick for DAYS, IV fluids and a disgusting amount of puke/poop!

Speaking of this.
As a groomer I had a dog come in for grooming. As I started to take it back it had some of that white looking poop stuck to it’s butt. I was like ‘ew’ but it comes with the job. I got the dog up on my table then went to clip the poop off it’s butt fur. Lifted it’s tail and realized… it was a plastic shopping bag!! Balled up into a nice poo shaped form. It was only partway out so I had to slowly ease it out… I just LOVE my job sometimes :rolleyes: