Dog - cranial cruciate ligament partial rupture - TPLO surgery - any experience?

I would never have thought of that - what a brilliant idea!!

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My guy has live squirrels right outside the door (the bird feeder is there). I think they taunt him since he can’t be out there chasing them.

I know the deer have moved into the yard since the dog’s been inside.

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Glad to see surgery went well and she’s on the mend!!

I remember seeing a pic of that big boy. That had to be rough getting him around. Glad he’s doing well.

Looks pretty comfy!

Thank you- we did a lot prep before hand and that made it a lot easier. Stuff like make a ramp to the front door instead of steps, build him a pen in the living room and my husband and I took alternating days off for the first two weeks because he wasn’t allowed to get in and out of the car to go with us to work.

Photo for tax from our most recent orienteering race together


Mounted Orienteering?? I’ve done that a few times and it is SO FUN. My late mare was a total jerk in groups, so I left it but would love to try it again with the young mare! She’s much more amenable.

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I do both mounted orienteering and my own two feet - I love them both :slight_smile: This was from on foot- swear he knows the command “find the orange thing” lol


On foot sounds like a total blast, too!

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LOL… he probably does.

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My last dog (Boxer) had TPLO done in both. The vet said it was very likely that knee 2 would go and a month after her 6 month rehab was complete a simple slip on the grass at speed did it. I called her ortho surgeon and he got her in the next day. I admit, the first 2 wks I left her with my retired parents to watch her like a hawk. She was great but the cat tortured her knowing she wasn’t allowed to get up. After that I would keep her in the car at work so I could do all those many careful rehab walks. Thankfully we have a parking garage that never gets too cold or hot. I was religious about those walks (type and timing) and I think that was very important.

This last Christmas she was still a hiking fool at age 13! We had to put her down a few days later. I thought for sure her skeletal system would be her demise but oddly it wasn’t. Ugh I miss her. I didn’t have pet insurance for her (I do now though!) but it was worth every penny!

My mini poodle had her first side done at age 5…after a Mexican stand off with a deer in our back yard. She was running, running, then yelped and three legged lame. TPLO surgery, found out she tore it into 2 pieces, along with the meniscus. Then about a year and a half later, playing frisbee jumped up and landed on the other side and we knew it. The hardest part was keeping her confined…jumped out of the pen 48 hours post op. Vet said its not worth it to keep her in the pen if she’s going to keep jumping out and so we didn’t… but strict about no jumping and I slept on the floor with her. Now 6 and 8 years later, she’s rocking it. She runs, jumps, and plays. She’s in great shape. Still hikes and all the fun things.

Attached is her chicken leg post op. Lol

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Also we do cosequin every day!

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I need to know what the frog legs in the background are attached to.


Same. Started giving her Cosequin right after first surgery (second leg needed surgery a year after first, which is common). She lived another 8-9 years with no arthritis.

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Take a look at Dasuquin- same company as Cosequin but specifically for dogs. Someone else on this forum mentioned it to me as well as my vet and I switched him from the Cosequin. I saw a notable difference with it


My Corgi had a TTA as a three year old and I was religious thereafter with Cosequin. He did great on his TTA leg, it was the opposite hind that bothered him as he got older and Dasuquin really seemed amazing for him. I wish I’d heard about it and switched earlier. Thank you to @tabula_rashah

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An end table! Hes holding a little tray.

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I use the Cosequin Soft Chews with MSM for dogs.

Had a bit of a milestone today (5 1/2 weeks out). My boy actually lifted the good leg to pee! Guess that means the surgery leg is feeling pretty good, his usual pee position is stretched out.


3 more days until staples come out. Overall she’s been quiet. It’s not easy for her, but she’s trying. A few stairs were had by accident but she seems ok.

Instead of a cone, we used a Lick Sleeve. This wouldn’t work for all dogs, but has been a godsend for us. Their customer service was incredible, too.

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The day my guy got his staples out, it was pouring down rain, and in my fumbling with purse, umbrella, and SUV liftgate, he decided he didn’t want to be wet anymore, and just vaulted in! :astonished: I now use a raincoat and keep my license and phone in a pocket so I can keep both hands on him to keep him from jumping in again!