Dog - cranial cruciate ligament partial rupture - TPLO surgery - any experience?

@endlessclimb How’s your girl doing? Tired of squirrel TV yet? My guy is sooooo ready to be out of lockdown. He’s practically dragging me around the yard on our potty walks. Tomorrow is the 7 week mark, so post-surgery exam and films next week.

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She’s doing well! She got cleared for as much walking as she will take. She’s 15% weight bearing (should be 20%). She starts water treadmill rehab tomorrow, along with massage and laser.


Guess my DVM is pretty conservative on walks. I admit, I’m doing more than they say to, but I let my dog tell me what he can handle.

Hope she likes the water treadmill as much as my guy does!

The vet suggested 10 mins 5x a day, but said to up it if she didn’t seem sore.

She’s a very light, very fit hunting dog. Not sure if that’s contributing to the vets recommendations. Her muscle difference/atrophy is already substantial. There’s a 2cm difference between her thighs.

The vet also recommended manipulation while standing to force her to evenly load, even if just for a few seconds

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Do you have anywhere with unlevel ground you can walk? Do you think putting the weaker leg on the down side for short intervals would help with the asymmetry?

I am not sure! I can ask the vet tonight. I’m sure I can find a lightly sloped ditched somewhere!

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First rehab session - check!


Still chugging along. She’s doing OK. After receiving an Adequan shot her appetite disappeared completely so we’re working through that.

A couple more weeks with the 2x a week treadmill/laser/massage.


Sitting at the vet for our 8-week recheck. Fingers crossed!


How did it go @yaya?

They said he looked great, but are sticking to the party line of 3 more weeks of confinement and increasing-length leash walks before he can be turned loose. We did a half-mile walk today with no problem. Was hoping maybe he’d be ahead of the curve and could go free sooner. Phooey. Both of us are tired of his restrictions.


Maci had her 8 week follow up Xrays and is cleared with no restrictions. Now, to get her fitted up for hunting season in two months. We’ve already agreed that hunting ditches is out of the question for her this year, but the flatter areas we think she can handle with good fitness work.

So so so excited to get her back on birds this weekend. We’ve been slowly pushing her further/farther the last two weeks, because she never seemed worse for the wear afterwards.



My guy has been on “full turnout” (to put it in horse terms) for about 10 days now. We did end up doing it “early”, because he was handling the longer walks fine, but I got sick and I couldn’t handle the longer walks. The first day, I gave him his sedation and turned him loose (just like a horse after stall rest), and all he did was snooze in the sun. After another day of that, I just turned him out, and he’s had the run of my 7 acres ever since. He runs, he jumps in & out of the golfcart, jumps through the horse gates, happy as a clam, with no lameness. Except for being able to see where the plate is, he looks and moves totally normally. And I have my patio doors back, no giant kennel blocking them!

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Someone was glad to be on birds today. Only a few, she stayed steady to wing and shot on 2 of 3, which to me isn’t too bad for not being worked with for months! You can see the one she broke on - wayyyy too coiled to stay still!


Happy dog! :slightly_smiling_face:

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