I adopted a rude and unruly (but adorable) 1 year old lab/golden mix a little over a year ago. We did one round of basic obedience training with a local “trainer” who was all about all treat training all the time. She was a little flaky and her dogs were OBESE. So were the assistant trainer’s dogs. We didn’t get much more out of the course other than sitting on command. Huge disappointment.
I did a round 2 last of basic obedience last fall with Ted Terroux Dog Training and it was fantastic! He is regularly listed as one of the top dog trainers in Denver among the various user surveys. We learned true loose leash walking on the first day. Yes, it’s positive training, but they do allow for corrections when needed. The corrections are firm but fair. Ted’s mom was/is a dog trainer and Ted started training dogs as a child, so he has literally been doing this his whole life. His assistants for the class were also fantastic. My unruly rescue is still pretty nervous and is generally afraid of men, but she LOOOOVED Rick - who has naturally great dog juju. Another rescue dog in the group who was adorable, but extremely defensive (bitey) towards any and all humans other than her “mom” was able to walk on a leash with and sit beside Rick and even gasp let him pet her on the head. The owner was speechless. It was awesome to watch!
They run several basic training courses on a rolling schedule, so if you have to miss a class, you can make it up on another day within a couple of weeks.
Rescues get a discount.