Dogs and Diesels

All the dogs that I spend quality time with can’t stand my new old diesel.

Dogs that don’t bark at cars will bark at my truck. Border collies attack my wheels when I come in or leave.

I’m assuming this is something that time will heal. Am I correct?

Nice thing is that the horses hear it and come running.

All the dogs that I spend quality time with can’t stand my new old diesel.

Dogs that don’t bark at cars will bark at my truck. Border collies attack my wheels when I come in or leave.

I’m assuming this is something that time will heal. Am I correct?

Nice thing is that the horses hear it and come running.

When I got my new old diesel I had to con my dog into getting in it. He gave me a look like you want me in that rattley sounding loud ol thing? Get serious.

He finally got over it. But still does not like to hear it coming.

“The older I get, the better I used to be, but who the heck cares!”

Just like with UPS trucks, your new old diesel engine is vibrating at a harmonic painful to dogs. They may get used to it, they may not, in my experience.

BTW, it’s really true that ALL dogs (except the deaf ones ) know when the UPS trucks are coming. They have a unique engine configuration harmonic which apparently really sets their doggie teeth on edge.

“Always look on the bright side of life, de doo, de doo de doo de doo”