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Dorsal Displacement of the Soft Palate & Laryngeal Tie-Forward Surgery

Looking into purchasing a horse diagnosed with DDSP (this is different from a ‘roarer’) as an upper level event prospect. I haven’t had the horse scoped yet for myself, but am currently told that it should only affect the horse at top racing speeds. He does sometimes make noise now just on the flat.
I will be trying to determine whether or not this is something that affects him now or may be a problem in the future.
Cornell has developed a collar to help displace the larynx forward and lessen the ability of the soft palate to flip and impinge the airflow (http://vet-aire.com/cornell-collar.html), seems somewhat cumbersome, but interested to hear if anyone in the sport horse world has had success with it!
There are multiple surgical options with varying degrees of success, but the laryngeal tie-forward surgery seems to be the best choice and is said to have a success rate of about 80%. I’m sure much of this has to do with who performs the procedure.
Would love to hear about people experiences with this (surgical or not), if the horse ended up needing management, and how effective & costly treatment options were for you.
Thank you!!

The progression goes myectomy, Llewelyn and then tie forward if needed. You wouldn’t want to start with th tie forward in my opinion. I personally skip th myectomy and go straight to the Llewelyn as I have had better results than that. The Cornell collar is not something I would use in a sport horse unless it was mayb a very high level eventer or endurance.