In my entire life I’ve never come across anyone described in such remarkably specific terms:
An insomniac gay Canadian Buddhist Scrabble champ who happened to be one of the best horse trainers in all of Canada who hobbled around on a leg full of shrapnel. In jail.
… while moving helicopters full of drugs. Truly remarkable.
I stabled next to Doug Spink twice at shows in Oregon when he was still an amateur(ish) rider. What a joke he was-- the most self-important, self-absorbed, narcissist nut job ever. His poor horses had to put up with his shitty riding, the saints that they were. How were they to know how much worse he actually was? Loathsome puke, glad he’s gone. Our “house guest” (“jail house guest”??) certainly seems to be a bit deluded.
Ya’ll are funny af . Possibly in my top 10 fav threads.
Hoping the cell mate chimes in again, and calls me sir.