@CarreenMaloney My thoughts on animal euthanasia start with the fact that since our animals live in the moment, not dreaming of the future, a quick painless euthanasia is not something they sit around worrying about.
I think all pets should be given a chance to find a new home. But the real world does not always make that possible so some end up being euthanized for so many reasons, none of which are their fault.
Abused animals can have baggage that makes their day to day not a pleasant thing. In those animals euthanasia can be a gift.
Nobody here has been wondering what happened to Spink. The revelation of his death though, is welcome news. One less abusive pervert in the world is a good thing.
Not sure why you’re ‘concerned’ for the animals now, when it’s been how many years since all of them were taken away from that degenerate? Seems like a rather moot point, since at this time they’ve either been adopted or euthed, depending on their suitability to fit into a normal life after their abuse.
In all fairness I am the one that asked about the whereabouts of the animals.
The OP didn’t say much about them until after I asked.
True, but then the OP went on a tangent, accusing people of not caring what happened to the animals Spink so disgustingly abused, and that we’d all rather see them dead due to some sort of ‘offense to human dignity’ garbage.
Her turning up 3 years after she first posted is odd enough, but then to say she was only posting because she thought we’d be wondering what happened to Spink is disingenuous. It would seem her book sales have slumped, and she was just trying to drum up prurient interest about him again. No thanks. I lived through the Spink time here on COTH. I don’t need to read anything more about that waste of skin and oxygen.
Well well well. This has taken an interesting turn.
Well what a wholesome, innocent human being.
Backs away slowly …….
Yeah just because he liked to drink horse semen and hump his dogs … that doesn’t mean he wasn’t a saint. Gotcha.
I totally believe Doug Spinks wasn’t a liar. I mean, he came on here and specifically told us about his bestiality long before he went to prison.
That was out of left field, lol
I did accidentally click on one of the “zoo” links, and he was known among the “zoo” folks as being pro-bestiality and posting frequently on one of their forums (I only read the “RIP Doug” links and did not investigate further as I thought perhaps that was not a good site to be visiting on my work laptop).
I’m all for assuming that people are more complex than they seem. I’ve met some real predators, and typically they do think of themselves as “on some higher plane”. It’s what allows them to “transcend” what normal humans do because they are so special. Whether what they do is murder or move helicopters full of drugs, they are often charismatic like that which is what makes them so very dangerous. And I’ve no doubt that Doug was smart. Very smart.
Being smart and being dangerous are not mutually exclusive.
Dude, prison roommate shows up for defense? Does that happen often on HC?
My creep alert just pinged on overdrive. I don’t want to know anymore. Checking out of this yucky thread. I came only to see the fate of the animals. RIP animals.
I’ve been on these inter webs for a looong time. In the past (10-15 years ago) as a moderator of a good sized horse forum and later as a member of this forum … I have read his (Doug’s)posts and moderated them and I have seen pictures that no amount of bleach can remove from my eyes. He was a profoundly troubled man.
Please don’t astral project here poster … you will greet a couple of angry large dogs and me holding a Mossberg.
Waiter, bring me wine. And cheese, and popcorn, and guac, and a blue saddle and an Arabian jumper.
Forget housemates. We got CELLMATES!
Really smart. As proof, when he played Scrabble against this orthographic savant, “he one EVERY GAME (mostly).”
Thanks for the wine out the nose!
Oh thank you for that!
My co-workers are currently wondering why I’m over here lmao.
Cellmate reminds me, in an orthographically-savant-esque way, of a certain other sometimes-poster about a different legal issue, who posts with equal passions about what she can and soon will “prove”, hinting that they will soon come to light, oh, yes, yes, they will, because she has all the proof.
What a crazy turn of events.
Y’all let us know if/when he astral projects himself into your living room - or wherever. Pics or it didn’t happen!