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Dover Circuit Premier SJ - thoughts? experiences? reviews?

I tried searching to see if anyone had commented about this saddle before but was unable to find anything. There is only one review online on the Dover website which is great but still - that’s only one.

I’m looking for something in a reasonable price range and have a saddle for sale currently (Prestige Jumper R) that will allow me to have a bigger budget for a new (or new to me) saddle, but who knows how long that will take to sell. I like the look of this saddle and the price is nice at ~$1000. Link for reference: http://www.doversaddlery.com/circuit-premier-sj/p/X1-15908/

Any feedback on the construction of this saddle, workmanship, durability, balance, etc. would be greatly appreciated. TIA

I like the Circuit line - for the price I think they are a very good deal. The leather is good - it is no french leather, but I have always been happy with the Circuits we’ve had. They age well and hold their value well - for instance, we had an older Circuit model that was pony sized that we bought for $600 brand new and sold ten years later for $400.

Alas, when I was saddle shopping for my old guy, none of their saddles fit his tricky build so I never got one of the newer ones, but I really liked the construction of each. Similar to how M.T models their designs off of other higher end saddles, there are lots of small details in the Circuits that are reminiscent of higher end designs. I like the balance of those I have ridden in, and I’ve never had a saddle-fitter say anything negative about their construction. Of course, it is also Dover… so if anything happens down the line that shouldn’t (broken tree, defect, etc) they will take it back for a full refund or replace it…

I have the Premier Victory saddle. It’s very comfortable and has held up well. I’ve had it for a couple of years, riding a couple of horses several times a week. The others who have sat in it have really liked it and two of them subsequently bought one. For the price, I think they’re great.

Thank you both! I’ve not had a chance to see/feel one in person as I live in Oregon and we don’t have any Dover stores near here. I figure for the price of one of the ones on closeout, it wouldn’t be too much of a gamble to try.

Dover has trial saddles. If you decide to buy it, and it’s been out once before on trial, they give you a break on the price. If you don’t like it, send it back.

A friend of mine got one in fall and I rode in in a few weeks later and liked the way it felt. It seemed to fit her horse well and Dover was very accommodating after the first saddle she bought in a store didn’t fit and the second saddle (ordered from the clearance/demos/used pages of the catalog) had a flaw that made it unacceptable.