I can see why folks would think Dover might be over-extended, given its expansion of the bricks-n-mortar stores in the last few years and then the giant slowdown caused by the virus.
But! There are somethings Dover also did better while its new and winning challenger, Smartpak, was doing worse.
First, Dover figured out that it needed to make its shipping more inviting.
Second, over the last year or so, Smartpak decided to revamp its software or business’s organization such that returns and refunds took for…ever, as in more than 21 days. That meant that free returns on sized items could might involve you carried the balance on your credit card through your billing date. That made me feel like Smartpak was borrowing money from me because it had bad software. Enter Dover, who not only opened a store in my town but also took my returns there.
I’ll do business with the best business.