I REALLY like my chain harrow/drag for breaking manure in pasture, spreading it thinner after the manure spreader dumps it on the field.
However not all chain harrows are equal. Mine is similar to what lorilu pictured, but HEAVY. The thickness of the metal used in construction is larger than most of the other chain harrows I see for sale. We got it years ago from TSC, so not sure if they sell the same one. It is about 6ft wide by 4ft long, two pieces of chain fabric that hook together along the side and on each end to the main drag bar that hitches to the tractor.
I add tires, tied on top of the chain to keep the teeth down in contact with the ground during dragging. Makes the teeth bite into dirt and manure piles or spread bedding so dragging actually does smooth things out when you drive over them. Also works well for smoothing off a lightly disced field to take out hoof marks in the spring.
I had a second chain harrow that I bought which was bigger, thought it would take less driving to use on the fields. However the metal used for chain and teeth was considerably smaller, so dragging with this was much less effective even with the tires on top. Just didn’t have the weight to keep itself down into the ground for the good job. I sold it, lady was going to drag her arena, so it would be perfect for that use. Didn’t need the heavier weight to smooth groomed footing.
I also use this chain harrow with the smooth side down to smooth my sandy arena, smooth off muddy paddocks not in use or with teeth down to help the mud dry faster. Teeth are not in the aggressive direction, just helping get mud evened out for drying.
This is one of my favorite tools and has gotten a LOT of use over the years. My friend bought a one-section piece of the chain and drags her city driveway smooth with her lawn tractor. She has recycled asphalt, loose pieces and loves how the teeth keep things nice looking, no potholes.