Dressage Horse PPE - Would you buy?

Would you buy a young (under 8) dressage horse that had an enlargement of a facet joint in the neck but no clinical correlation identified as part of PPE or other known issues? Horse had full PPE before being imported earlier in year and fully passed by overseas vet and US vet. Fast forward a few months and my vet identified enlargement in c5 c6 as part of her review of pre-import xrays. I am currently doing a PPE on the horse and getting updated neck xrays and will send to radiologist for more complete review, but could it truly be nothing or am I playing with fire and asking for a problem…including ability to resell if ever needed? Goal is to work up the levels with the horse.

This study may be helpful…The short summary is that c5-c6 will enlarge as horse ages, so it is not necessarily abnormal. But in young (not defined) horses it is abnormal.

Worth considering: no clinical signs now is one thing - but if you are wanting to bring the horse up the levels, it may become an issue with more collected work. Other studies show that this can be the case.

I recently went through a similar thing, though my horse has moderate issues c5- T-1. His films were fine when we got him at 7; three years later a series of things began to raise questions: seemed less willing to work, some days a bit uneven, bending was difficult in one direction. His changes from right to left were very noticeably difficult. Tripping while hacking out in field. He was retired last fall due to the cervical issues and spinal compression.
This is a crap shoot as to your goals. It is a crap shoot relative to resale later on. But that’s horses in any case. Given my experience, I would pass, but I’m only one amateur non-vet opinion.


Depends on your personal risk tolerance and bank account.

I would pass. YMMV


OP - forgot to say: I would for sure get a neuro exam done if that hasn’t been part of the PPE


No for me. Had one diagnosed and put down at age 6. Same - C5/C6. Raised and trained him from a weanling. Depends on what your heart can handle.