I didn’t even realize that I followed Dressage Hub on FB. I know that there are so many threads about her so I apologize for the new one. I unsubscribed, but before I did I noticed that she has a video of Caroline Roffman and I guess Caroline’s baby riding with her. No big deal. I know a lot of people do that. The kid has a helmet on, but CR does not. Why did I find this so entertaining? Because a few posts down, DH has a video of a watermelon hitting the ground and reminding people of the importance of wearing a helmet. So which is it? You either preach wearing a helmet or you don’t?
She’ll post whatever generates the most clicks, attention, and people following her. Just ignore and unfollow.
Dont give that trash bag or her dumpster fire any more attention.
Stumbled on a FB “reel” from Dressage Dummy, I mean Hub. What kind of supposed “expert” says a horse is “out of Everdale?” Just how did they get foals out of stallions, SW? Hasn’t she been around knowledgeable people long enough to know correct terminology? If you’re going to spend your life pointing and laughing at other people’s mistakes, you really should get your own ducks in a row.
It did take me a while to get my “out of” and “by” down, but I never was involved in breeding . But now it seems to silly and obvious.
Or in making fun of other people when they have had a bad day.
I hope you don’t think I was making fun of anyone. I wasn’t trying to.
Ya’ll know you are giving her milage by bringing her up here, right?
No, quite the opposite! You weren’t involved in breeding, and weren’t involved in making fun of others, either. I’m sorry I wasn’t more clear!
Thanks. I was worried I said something silly. Whew.
For some reason I thought SW and her site had majickally disappeared.
But apparently I was wrong.