Dressage Lessons In Fort Worth Area?

Hello Dressage-COTH!

I’m an ex-hj rider turned Reined Cowhorse. I’m riding again after a year off, chemo, and a baby - so needless to say I’m weak. I’ve noticed a lot of “holes” in my core strength and am leaning to the left pretty severely. I’m also doing some balancing on the hands and just overall not as comfortable in the saddle as I once was.

I’m currently going to PT, getting body work, and have started back to yoga. However, I had the idea that maybe some dressage lessons could help get me back into shape as well. Here’s the kicker: I need a lesson horse. I can’t take my reined cow horse to go ride Dressage. I’m don’t have any show aspirations, just lessons and getting back into shape and strengthening my body.

I live in Weatherford TX (west of Fort Worth), and I’ve been able to find very few barns around me and even less with lesson horses. I’ve reached out to a few but haven’t heard back. The associations seem mostly defunct around here, and Facebook also hasn’t been super helpful. So, I’m turning to COTH.

Does anyone know of any Dressage trainers, with lesson horses, in the Fort Worth area? Comfortable driving some, probably up to an hour, and it would likely be weekends unless there was a hidden gem close to me. I’ve asked my HJ friends up in Argyle/PP and we haven’t come up with anything, so any help is appreciated!

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Are you on FB? There are several groups for Texas and Region 9 trainers that often have good suggestions!

ETA: I see you haven’t had luck with FB. Bummer. Maybe someone more familiar with “the scene” will post here.

I’ve been on FB but mostly public groups & search.
I’ll look into a more regional group. Maybe a private group will help!

Region 9 Dressage Riders (FB group) would be helpful for you, lots of DFW riders in there. I don’t have any personal experience - I’m down by Houston - but Lindsay Parker is in Aurora, I’m not sure if she has lesson horses available.

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