Dressage lessons in Southern Maryland

Hello everybody!
I am looking for dressage lessons in southern Maryland ideally Calvert/Anne Arundel county or neighboring counties. What I am looking for does not have to be a structured lesson program, I am looking for the opportunity to ride a well educated horse and receive instruction. I have a personal horse so I am only looking to take lessons about once a week unless it’s a great opportunity that would require more commitment. I am currently schooling first level and some second level so any horse/instruction around that education level or higher would be a great fit.
Any recommendations are appreciated. Thank you in advance!

Becky Langwost-Barlow is excellent.

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Thanks for responding. I pulled up her page and she looks like a great trainer. Sadly she’s over an hour away from me.

Well, that’s a bummer :disappointed_relieved:

Best of luck!

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Thistledew Dressage is in Calvert. I don’t know what she is currently offering though.

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There are unfortunately not a lot of barns in that area offering lessons on lesson horses/schoolmasters. However if you’re willing to ride your own horse there are some good options. Aviva Nebesky in Bowie, Noel Williams in Annapolis, Marija Trieshman in Harwood, Valerie V. Pride in Harwood, or Linda Zang in Davidsonville (though she no longer teaches at her farm) would all be local.


My BFF rode with her for years. Mostly on her own horses, but she had opportunities to ride and show others. Her current horse wants to jump or event, so she has changed trainers. No recent knowledge of Marija.

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She seems lovely. I did reach out to her but at the moment she does not have any lesson horses. I will defiantly keep her mind for my personal horse.

Thank you for the recommendations! I’m going to start taking lessons with Noel Willams in March since my horse is boarded outside of Annapolis. Found two barns I’m going to give a try that are a little further out. I have found there are very few barns with school type horses. Last year I ended up taking HJ lessons because I couldn’t find a good dressage program.

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