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Dressage Trainers in/near Maryland

I’m looking for a dressage trainer that isn’t too pricy and can travel to my barn for lessons. Todd Bryan comes to my barn once a month but he is a bit pricy for me. Preferably someone who resides in/near Maryland so I could bring them in as much as needed. I’m located in Union Bridge, MD.

What about By Chance farm?

Michele is a possibility! I’ve never really thought about her but she is a minute away from my farm so that could be really convienient :slight_smile:

If you’re near By Chance than Nicki Carson of Elevation Dressage & Eventing is right by too - also on Bessie Clemson.

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I train with Todd Bryan down in Florida and he is great. Maybe try and find someone with a similar focus on correct training and seat development to work with in addition to Todd’s clinics in Maryland.