Dry eyes/irritated/red

Does anyone suffer from dry eyes , where they are red and irritated from possible sun damage, wind, etc from outdoor sports ( like riding) and if so - what treatments or eye drops work best? I found a site called dryeyezone.com and it mostly said that red eye reliever drops all cause rebound redness / dry eyes and frankly, I haven’t found any dry eye lubricant eye drops that work. wondered if anyone out there can recommend something that worked for them. thanks in advance.

Don’t use something that promises to remove the red. Either straight silicone, or if that’s not working for you, try using a gel like Refresh Liquigel. If you use the gel, don’t use too much or you’ll have residue around your eyes.


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Prescription Restasis helped me immensely

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I just had cataract surgery and the doc had me use Systane 4x a day for dry eyes. It is working well for me.

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I also use Systane several times a day.

OP, don’t take this the wrong way, but it may be a ‘stage’ you’re going through. Apparently, it’s quite common for “women of a certain life change” to experience this. The hormones (or reduction thereof) allow the duct in the bottom of the eye socket to widen and allow the tears to drain quicker than normal.
2 ways to treat- eye drops, like Systane (not the cheap ones that have a drying preservative in them and will cause more dryness) or a relatively inexpensive plug put in the duct to reduce the tear draining. I haven’t yet got around to having the plug put in, but after yesterday, I’m seriously thinking about it now. I could barely see to drive; my eyes were so dry and stinging; and had to stop and buy some drops that I can keep in my vehicle at all times.

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thanks to all - I will get some systane. will research the plug - yes, my eyes burn some times. I think this time of year if you use the heat dries out the eyes.

Zatador for inflammation, no other get the red out product. My eye doc had me start on 3gm Omega 3 caps daily. This improves the quality of the tears. I was skeptical but what a difference. I use flax oil as seafood derived just is never burpless. If these simple self remedies don’t work, check in with your eye doc

Systane comes in a couple different formulations. There’s one for nighttime use that’s heavier. My DH used to call it grease. Then there’s the gel. That’s more appropriate for daytime. Lighter formulation.

Have your thyroid checked. High thyroid can cause scratchy dry eyes. I’m sure there are other health issues (such as the obvious one – allergies) which also affect eyes.

OP you might have blocked oil glands; without the oil content tears evaporate much faster than they should. I was having a terrible time with dry eyes, particularly overnight, and had tried systane gel, drops, moisture goggles (yup, these are as sexy as they sound) and running a humidifier next to my bed. Nothing solved the problem entirely. Then my optometrist mentioned at my last check up that my meibomian glands were a little blocked up and to try using a warm compress across my eyes for ten minutes a day. It completely fixed the issue and I haven’t had scratchy eyes since. …might be worth a try…


Just checked in again - thanks for the responses - I will get the Omega caps, flax oil, and genteal gel drops and will check out the Zatador for inflammation ( never heard of it). I don’t have high thyroid. There are so many causes of dry eyes - who knows but I suspect it is from years of being outdoors in the sun. thanks again. I really appreciate the responses.!

And lastly, I am not a good water drinker, and I notice on days I don’t drink much, I can barely get my contacts out. So staying hydrated helps, too!

A second plus for Omega 3 – if you take 7g (1 Tbs of flx oil rather than 7 caps) – it reduces inflammation, helps your skin and gives you great blood values. It reminds me that I should start taking it again, I stopped when I couldn’t find Spectrum brand locally and hated the taste of others…

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I use contacts, and whenever I ride in windy weather, it causes my left eye only to tear up. My trainer thinks I’m crying, lol!

Menopause did this to me…Systane nighttime version helps immensely , and the daytime stuff too. Need to try the Omega 3’s…hadn’t heard of that for eyes. I had to try a couple different brands of eye drops before settling on the Systane.