DSLD? or just long sloping pasterns?


Have any of you ever worked with a horse with DSLD? I don’t currently KNOW if my OTTB has this disease, but I’m trying to get any information I can from actual people who have dealt with it. My horse has long sloping pasterns, more so in the hind end than in the front. About a week ago, I posted a photo of him on a Thoroughbred group on FB and a few people commented on his hind legs, particularly his hind left pastern and fetlock. And, indeed, the more I looked at conformation in horses, particularly that of thoroughbreds, the more I noticed that Rico (my horse) had more of a severe slope. I looked at old photographs of him, and his legs were the same then as they are now, I had just never noticed. I am not a pro when it comes to identifying great conformation, and when I purchased Rico back in 2010 I saw him, fell in love, and that was it.

Rico shows no sines of having the disease other than the overly sloped pasterns. He has not been lame at all while I have had him. He doesn’t resist me when riding, he wants to work. Overall he’s a pretty happy boy.

I know that this is a slow and progressive disease and if he is diagnosed with it, it may take quite a bit of time for it to effect him negatively. I guess I’m just looking for advice from people who have dealt with it first hand.

I will post pictures of his conformation tonight.

This forum is for humans with disabilities, so I’m guessing you need to post on “horse care” for the maximum responses.


I just realized this while scrolling through the threads and re-posted in Horse Care. Thank you!