Thanks for sharing those cute photos!!!
I will not beable to meet Dublin this year when she comes up because I have a dog show the entire weekend, wahhhhhhhhh
Thanks for sharing those cute photos!!!
I will not beable to meet Dublin this year when she comes up because I have a dog show the entire weekend, wahhhhhhhhh
Oh, I LOVE these pictures!! You guy’s are great! Coreene, Willem looks FABULOUS!! And that picture with Lucy’s nose…oh-so-cute! Willem looks like he’s in love!!
Keep 'em coming!!
Actually no sordid details to speak of, so Mr. dublin’s legal skills weren’t needed…
Just a very fun day!!
Mr. dublin and Willem hit it off famously as well!
Willem looks stunning, as usual.
My sister’s mare “Jazz Cat” has told me to pass on the message that she would like a date with Willem.
I would not agree with it were it just about me, but Willem is of the firm belief that he is the axis and center of the universe.
Though we saw the most DIVINE dog at the Dog Park in Huntington Beach - it was totally yellow lab, no other markings, but with BASSET HOUND legs. One hell of a cross!
We had the best day, it was a blast. Mr. Dublin is just a sweetie as well and all the horses were mad about him.
Thank you, Dublin, for coming to visit!
Next time we are going to get arrested.
Mr. dublin, Willem and Coreene
Ooops, forgot to attach the picture of Lucy meeting Willem, and infopop wouldn’t let me do it this morning, so I’m trying it again…
Lucy was so excited to meet her penpal Willem - here they are, almost nose to nose. (Sorry the picture is so dark, but Lucy’s nose is just above the car window)
Did we not take pictures??? We know that both Dublin and Coreene are delightful to say the least! Of course Willem is beyond words he’s soooo special!! Mr Dublin is a doll, and quite patient too Buuuuttttttt, we need pictures!!!
Handsome Willem poses for the camera.
I was horrified that Willem looked so shabby - he was still crinkly from his ride with the trainer the night before (it was too cold even to sponge him off), and the awful wind that day mad his hair pouf out.
Lucy was soooooooooo well behaved. I just love her, she is darling. The dream dog.
Dublin and Mr. Dublin are great and I only wish they lived closer! Maybe we can lure her down to the Grand Prix of the US at the Oaks this summer - especially since it is a WEG qualifier!