Dublin and Coreene's Saturday adventure - Now with pictures!

We had a fabulous get together!!

We met at Coreene’s in the morning, and gabbed for a while before heading over to the barn. Lucy the wonder dog not surprisingly loved Coreene at first sight.

I got lots of pictures of Willem, who is a total character, and LOVES posing for the camera. Mr. Dublin and I spoiled him shamelessly with carrots and apples. After watching him in turnout, he then got to meet his penpal Lucy, and was remarkably tolerant of her exuberance! We also enjoyed meeting some of Coreene’s barn friends, and Willem’s horsey pals.

Lucy was treated to a nearby dogpark after we left the barn, and we then had lunch at a wonderful nearby brewpub (terrific food, conversation, and beer!), and we then returned to Coreene’s where we gabbed yet some more.

We all had a wonderful day, and Coreene was the perfect hostess! I’ll post pictures as soon as I get them back from developing.

[This message was edited by dublin on Mar. 28, 2002 at 02:20 AM.]

Dublin and Mr. Dublin took them. I, too, can’t wait to see them!

Willem in turnout, trying to keep away from that scary barn tractor…

Oh, as everyone can see from the photos, Willem looked just fine! He definitely is a ham, and quite the character, and just loves to pose for photos. (And Coreene is wonderful as well!)

I also wish we lived closer, but hopefully I can get down there for a show one of these days, and meet some of the other CA clique members as well.

What? You mean coreene behaved? No “dancing” with Manuel, the waiter, in the side station at Acapulco? Somehow I’m disappointed.

“Beware of geeks bearing gifts.”

Willem rolling.

Willem looks so handsome in his fancy leather halter with the very shiny brass plate.

Unfortunately, I just couldn’t pick out Lucy behind the car window – old eyes, you know. But, I’ve seen her in other pictures and she’s quite the pretty girl.

I love pictures!

photos should hopefully be posted by Friday, so hold your horses (so to speak ) wty!!

“Of course, that’s just my opinion. I could be wrong.” - Dennis Miller
March Madness 2002 - Go Bruins!!

Willem’s pal Peanut. Isn’t he adorable??

He started his own topic about it.

We had a fabulous get together!!

We met at Coreene’s in the morning, and gabbed for a while before heading over to the barn. Lucy the wonder dog not surprisingly loved Coreene at first sight.

I got lots of pictures of Willem, who is a total character, and LOVES posing for the camera. Mr. Dublin and I spoiled him shamelessly with carrots and apples. After watching him in turnout, he then got to meet his penpal Lucy, and was remarkably tolerant of her exuberance! We also enjoyed meeting some of Coreene’s barn friends, and Willem’s horsey pals.

Lucy was treated to a nearby dogpark after we left the barn, and we then had lunch at a wonderful nearby brewpub (terrific food, conversation, and beer!), and we then returned to Coreene’s where we gabbed yet some more.

We all had a wonderful day, and Coreene was the perfect hostess! I’ll post pictures as soon as I get them back from developing.

[This message was edited by dublin on Mar. 28, 2002 at 02:20 AM.]

We were at the BJ’s in Huntington Beach and there was not enough of a crowd to warrant my treating them to a dance on the bar. Otherwise I’d have been up there in a flash.

Willem gets the last laugh!!

Great pics! Hopefully we can meet some day, as opposed to passing like strangers in the night at a restaurant in Fort Bragg!!!

visit www.victorianfarms.com

It seems Bumpkin and I can hardly wait for the pictures and any little sordid details. Of course Mr. dublin was along so I am sure he kept these two fine ladies in line.

“The older I get, the better I used to be, but who the heck cares!”

Dublin and Coreene finally meet – here we’re at lunch in Huntington Beach.

Your pictures turned out great. Looks like Willem fit right in with everyone. What fun.

“The older I get, the better I used to be, but who the heck cares!”

Very cute pics!

I believe I shall have to make another rendezvous with Coreene so I can have MY photos taken, too. Hey, that’s what Coreene and Willem are: the center of the COTH west coast universe, the veritable touchstone!

“Go away, kid, you bother me.” - W.C. Fields

I haff had ein verrie nice Saturday! Dublin und Mr. Dublin they be verrie nice und they haff taked mannie pictures of me becose I be so handsome. They haff bringed me mannie karotten, becose you know me und Wolfgang Puck, we haff ein passion for baby carrots. Und ein apfel, which it beed verrie good.

Lucy she be die wonder dog, I loff her.

Mein modder, Coreene, I know she be verrie up to her sitzen at work to-day und zo mebbe she be posting more later on becose I know she haff ein lunch appoitment mit ein client to-day. Und this it brings me more money, so this it be verrie good.

I am loffing Dublin und Mr. Dublin und Lucy verrie much.

I be a German horse und this be straight from mein mouth.

Dublin and Willem meet and become friends.