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Dutch harness horse drama. Update major mare/ foal neglect Nov 2023 post 1782 Update Kate Shearer responds post 1930 Nov 25/23

Absolutely! She just delivered to both wec and hits today!


Now I’m craving an automated PM sent by the system!


I’ve attempted to reach out to you with no such luck. Any chance you can send a pm?

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You can send Mod 1 a PM by hitting the message button that you get in the pop-up when you hit their screen name.

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Thanks! Sorry I am not a coth person so don’t know most of the stuff


There is a great thread in the technical help section that gives all kinds of information on how to use the forum.


Truthfully not going to sit there and read through it as I don’t use this site for anything. Only on it since it’s about me lol


Yeah I have no idea who Katis is. From her posting history she is clearly not Kate Sheare. She has also had an odd post on another current thread that got flagged by the community (not by me) and might have triggered an automated PM from the system.

The recent contributions by Katis have been tangential and not fully related to the matter at hand, and she was asking us to contact her under our real names on FB. There’s been enough doxxing over the past several years as documented on this and other threads, that no-one is going to accept this challenge.

I haven’t been responding to Katis even when she replies to me because the tone of the current posts suggests major personal issues.


What a doll! Looks very mild in temperament – you’ve got a good one.


Nice horse!

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If you buy ten more, could you please buy just one more. I will happily take the bonus horse off your hands. Super cute and appears to be very well suited to his job!

And, because I am too lazy (sorry readers, or rather those who inevitably don’t read this), a note on food and selling or even giving it away for free…I think it’s fantastic that @Kasheare has a neighbor cooking for those at the horse show (more than just grooms love homemade Mexican!). When I was a student at the C.I.A., we baked scads of beautiful (not all were beautiful, of course) loaves of bread, pizza, tarts, etc. that we were not able to give away. We used as much as we could feeding the student population, but we were forbidden to give the leftovers to those in need. I’m guessing that was per NY state law, despite students clearly baking in a commercial kitchen and adhering to strict sanitary code. Just painful to throw out food…

And finally! Because I am too lazy to create a separate post, as previously mentioned (cough see above), it grinds my gears a bit to have those who lock down their posting history go digging through other’s posting history. Actually, dig away, but maybe don’t use it against people?

In the same vein, as someone who has just been diagnosed with seizure activity, that explains a LOT about the way I’ve been speaking and writing. I beat out any geriatric with my weighty pillbox. So, instead of saying someone has issues or personal problems, maybe be a mensch oder Frau and let Moderator 1 handle it. Next time I write word salad, and goodness knows that’s just around the bend, think about trying to create a society, folks. A civilized one. In which no horses are munching on chicks, only Goldens saving goldfish.

And FINALLY! (Last one - promise.) I think if @Kasheare can let go of this unhappy entry to the CoTH world, it would be great for her to teach us the way of beautiful braids while also absorbing some of the knowledge of long time posters. That, however, is just a moment of Utopian wishing.

Ta da! I have no doubt effectively killed this thread. You are welcome. :innocent:


I’m honestly still stuck on how dumping beer on someone is battery and something you can actually get in trouble for. It’s so harmless (besides maybe smelling like beer for a while). Drop the whole thing on someone, glass/can and all, maybe. But like, just dumping a liquid on someone? That’s so…mild. I see people do so much worse with less punishment. Also amazed at how many people think it’s such an awful thing too.


I went to a concert a few years ago and got beer thrown on me/everyone around me. I was annoyed. That’s how I knew I was officially old. I don’t think the police would have given a shit, but maybe I should have tried?

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I think ones response to the beer has a lot to do with police reaction.
I’m sure there were words…

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The thing is, people generally want to go about their day not having liquids of any kind thrown at/on them. That’s not a big ask. The thrower is having a full blown tantrum and, as a society and in most legal structures, we do not support adult tantrumming. Any time someone touches you and that touch is unwanted, the toucher has consequences. Touching someone with a substance, like beer, counts.

Life just wouldn’t work very well if we were all to expect to be hit with liquids at any moment from anyone having a bad day and - no bigs! What would that even look like as a society? Would we all have spare clothes on us at all times like we did in kindergarten? Mini hair dryers? Full make up bag to re-do for those who wear make up? At a minimum, we’d have to make different rules for cold liquids like beer, hot like coffee (that could burn/seriously injure), and caustic (like acid, that could maim). It just doesn’t make any practical sense to tolerate grown-ass people throwing drinks on whomsoever they target.

It’s also not harmless. If you’re out for an evening or lunch or brunch or whatever, there you are, sat with your party, enjoying your meal. Suddenly, you’re drenched in beer. That’s you done now. You cannot sit there soaking in beer and continue to enjoy your meal. You cannot easily go on any next activity (say, a movie or museum) reeking of beer. If you had nice clothes, they may be ruined or need dry/special cleaning and now you’ve got property damage and you’re out money as well.

Splash at a big group event like a concert is different, too. The liquid in that case was not intentionally poured on you, even if it would be super annoying. I also would dress accordingly and not have anything on at such an event that would be valuable or difficult to clean or replace.

It’s not really harmless. It is really uncivil behaviour. It cannot really be tolerated in a functioning society/legal system. Adults must develop better conflict resolution skills than pouring drinks on each other or refrain from going out in public until they can.

Absolutely it’s better than getting punched in the face. But it’s still not okay by any stretch of the imagination. It’s a bright line rule: don’t hit, kick, shove, or throw stuff at other people. (unless all consent, like in a sport)


I’m not really saying it’s okay, or even that I’d do it. But it’s also not really a situation of “minding your own business and someone randomly dumps some kind of liquid on you”. It’s more, someone is provoking another person thinking they are untouchable, and if I saw the one being harassed dump beer on that person I wouldn’t pearl clutch or anything. I’d say “good for them”. But I also was raised with older brothers and mostly hung out with the guys, so I might just be comparing it to what I’ve seen so it doesnt seem like that big a deal. I’m just amazed it’s like an actual offense. I’d expect it to be, like, a warning or, idk, equivalent of a parking ticket or something. A bit annoying but not going to really hurt or traumatize anyone.

Or it could be growing up with hundreds of movies and shows where the protagonists dumps a drink or food on the jerk/bully and it’s great to see :joy:


I think there are circumstances under which I would also think ‘good for you’ about the beer dumper. But I’d also know it was going to come back and bite them in the arse b/c it’s not something you’re allowed to do, for good reason. No pearl clutching, just knowing the legal implications of acting that way as an adult.


Anyone who spends time in close proximity to a horse can expect this to occur on a regular basis.


This is a slight segway from beer dumping but tangentially related to this thread and DHH. But half this thread is a tangent.

A friend of mine is sorta horse hunting, looking for a Dutch Warmblood because her last horse, who died of colic in November, was one. She told me that she has been in touch with a seller who had an ex-racehorse. A warmblood. What? Allegedly, the horse “ran affiliated races and suffered an injury and got surgery for locking stifle.”

I said, “Surely you mean it’s a TB. There are no races for Dutch Warmbloods in the UK.” I am mostly sure that there are no races for them anywhere, but I could be wrong.

She said that the horse had raced in Holland. Allegedly. “And warmbloods race too.” But do they, really? Not that I have ever heard.

I said that the KWPN registry includes full TBs, but she insisted that “warmbloods race.”

Google had not heard of this, either.

I did, however, wonder if they use DHH for harness racing. I know absolutely nothing about the driving side of equestrian sport. Mostly what I found suggests that they are more like the Bentleys of driving. Beautiful and luxurious but not pulling sulkies at 40mph. Used for combined driving, rather than harness racing. I am not sure you would call combined driving racing, though, any more than you would call eventing racing.

However, I don’t know everything about every weird corner of horse sport. Is it possible that a ‘Dutch warmblood’ raced, in harness or ridden, or is this seller feeding BS to the gullible?

There are some breed experts on this thread, so I figured someone here would know.

Holland does have harness racing, but so far I haven’t found any mention of the breeds used (in a quick search), but all the pictures shown in articles look more like Standardbreds than DHHs.

They even have street races!