SBS from my understanding do what they have to do, to come up with xx number of sperm with xxx progressive motility rate (aim for at least 30 percent) in 8 straw doses. However, as you point out, they also discuss in the below article, how that differs across stallions/freezing agents. the different # of straws and straw sizes (and stallion variances).
"To address this issue we have standardized all doses prepared by SBS Affiliated Laboratories to be comprised of 8 x 0.5mL straws, regardless of the post-thaw motility. This way when you receive 8 straws from an SBS Affiliate lab you know you have a full dose. SBS semen is frozen at a concentration of 200-250 million/mL, resulting in a total of 800 million to 1 billion sperm in a final dose volume of 4mL. Given our minimum recommended post-thaw motility for commercial distribution of 30% progressive, each breeding dose therefore also exceeds the industry recommended minimum of 200 million progressively motile sperm per dose after thawing.
And here is what I found on it ICIS -I have no experience with it as it seemed an expensive option. Colorado use to be n the forefront of horse repro technology, so I am guessing they know of what they speak? But I am surprised as I would expect each freezing may reduce fertility/motility?(Haven’t we all been taught not to refreeze food as it is compromised?!)
"Our staff can also manage frozen semen for intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). Stallion semen can be frozen in ICSI doses by diluting the sperm into a very low concentration (i.e. 1 million sperm per straw), generating a large number of straws. Alternatively, an existing straw of frozen semen can be thawed and the semen diluted by adding more freezing extender and the diluted semen loaded into new straws and refrozen semen. The goal is to optimize the use and minimize the wastage of valuable frozen semen in an assisted reproduction technology program. Please contact us for additional information on refreezing stallion frozen semen.