Dutch harness horse drama. Update major mare/ foal neglect Nov 2023 post 1782 Update Kate Shearer responds post 1930 Nov 25/23

Similar to @firecracker, this thread has caused me to ask around, too. Let’s just say that as it turns out, none of this discussion is a revelation. Especially on the breed circuit.

And to be certain, the Accidental Braiding Job was certainly lovely enough. To claim otherwise is just another effort to bash a former employee’s reputation. [edit] Utterly shameful.

There are options when it comes to choosing a braider. We can all keep that in mind.


Like on a random post about a horse that got braided that had nothing to do with you?

Irony of ironies.


LOL - still unprofessional. Alas, it seems you have no concept of that and just merrily snipe away… ignorant of the drama and contempt you have for others… here and on FB.

What was that about making good decisions again? BWAHAHAHAHAHA!

And many have - and shared their insight and experiences and info - thus making good decisions.


Not to mention steeling the OP’s picture, without permission I imagine, just to say how awful the braiding job was and to bring up the braider’s “addiction” yet again.

ETA the shot, just because.


There are a lot of chronically ill people who require multiple medications to function. I am actually in recovery, so perhaps better versed on addiction as a concept, and I am sure you would be horrified that in order to ride and then be able to walk afterward, I routinely take several medications. (None of which are mind altering) It also doesn’t shock me that someone who has worked overnights all week falls asleep in their dinner the following day.

Perhaps if you are running a million dollar business, and are genuinely examining your role here and how you could do better, you might consider offering your employees paid medical leave, workmans comp for work related injuries, and health insurance, so that if someone has chronic pain as a result of or exaccerbated by repetitive motion on the job, they can take time off to heal and go to the doctor rather than get handed some animal medication from their boss and told to get back on the ladder. Don’t worry, you weren’t the only person at that horse show giving someone substances so that they would continue performing in a way that fulfilled your need of them, but it might be worth considering as a business owner whether providing some kind of employee benefits might have prevented someone being in that position.

This isn’t your first time calling someone who manages their chronic medical condition in a way you find distasteful a drug addict, so it may also be worth attending a nar-anon meeting or two to educate yourself on the topic if you find yourself with time off. I found 12 step programs to be really importand for my emotional growth, personally, and think almost anyone can benefit from attending and learning to approach the world through that lens.


Understatement of the century.


I’m not the first person to say this, but once again, for emphasis:

Braiders are third shift workers. While I appreciate your attempt to build camaraderie with your team on Mondays, asking third shift workers to dinner at a “normal” time on their day off, would probably result in MULTIPLE people falling asleep at 6pm!!!


Umm, I don’t think you do.


Ya think??!!! :laughing:


As a someone who has experienced its shitty side when I tried it for nerve pain (yes, I had a prescription, I didn’t go the Drug Bank of Kate lol) I can see how recreational users who reacted the same way I did might enjoy it. Me, I don’t like little red garden gnomes dancing across my pillow, tyvm.

Also, omg this thread! <chef’s kiss> It really does a brain good when that brain thinks they are kinda sucking at life. I feel much better about myself after these most recent 115 updates! The bar has been set far too low for most of us to crawl under.


The chef’s kiss got me :rofl:


How the heck do you even get your ego through the barn door?

You are in great need of down time, lady. And you need to spend that time on self-reflection. You are the very epitome of an internet troll, a victimizer and downright attention seeker.

In a thread such as this, where a single person becomes the focus, I’d normally be horrified to see such a pile-on. Way, way upthread I did think that you quite innocently failed to see that ‘any attention is good attention’ could work against you and your business.

Now I’m gratified to read that in the world you live in, your true colors are becoming well known. You’ll end up being your own downfall and potentially find yourself in the very situation you condemn others for.

Your spite and vindictiveness toward the Mystery Braider is nothing short of vile.


She’ll be back. Her addictive personality always brings her back to the drama and pot stirring.


We should stop interacting.


Somewhat agree! She enjoys the attention, thrives on the drama. Clearly gets a kick from her notoriety as she sees is.

On the flipside, her abhorrent words and deeds need calling out. What she’s said publicly about her former employee is unforgivable, completely immoral and degrading in every sense. Taking aim at a person’s age, their financial matters, and alleged drug use and criticism of their work was for no other reason than spite.


One good thing about the internet is that you can find out who not to hire for braiding or other services, without having to come in actual contact with them.

It used to be more difficult to know who the sleazy types were when they weren’t local or in the same area, but came from other areas of the country. Now, the bad eggs make themselves known to all, in their own words, on the internet.

I wouldn’t touch any of Kate Shearer’s “businesses” with a ten foot pole after reading her comments online and reading about her “breeding program”, and I am certain that her behavior is eliciting the same response from others.

@Paint_Party Glad to know that people in your orbit are realizing that this person is not someone they want to associate with. Even if it is only writing them a check, most people I know would want no association whatever with someone who is so spiteful and uncouth as to spout off this BS for everyone online to see.

What a way to show the world that you have no scruples, and then complain about the “braiding mafia.” Can you say “self sabotage” and “no clue about it”?


It looks like she has multiple FB accounts as she was blocked from the braid post and came back under a different FB account to make more comments.


Well, that’s interesting.


“Honesty” is the word narcissists and nasty people use to describe their despicable, malevolent, or self-excusing statements. Is “decency” so wrong? What about “discretion”?


“Adulting” riiiggghtttt