Dutch harness horse drama. Update major mare/ foal neglect Nov 2023 post 1782 Update Kate Shearer responds post 1930 Nov 25/23

@Old_Mac_Donald. You are a gem! Hilarious :joy:


No, it was the theme from Psycho


I had another mare, who became besotted, in love, in lust, with a super nice WB stallion with a super high stud fee. They ended up in the cross ties near each other one evening and my young mare was the one that lost her cool, not the seasoned breeding and showing stallion. I decided to put her in her stall until he moved on to the arena and she threw a hissy fit in the barn aisle. The owner and rider of the stallion came to help and she even backed up to him, wink wink wink squirt squirt. It took both of us to get her in the stall then she would rear up trying to see her beloved chosen one over the top and her little ears kept popping up and down. So cute. The next season I introduced her to a nice stallion that was her breed with a much lower stud fee and she snubbed him. I tried a few times and she never looked in his direction or batted an eyelash. She knew who she wanted. The heart wants what the heart wants. Maybe I should have tried to pay it out on time and accepted that third job offer as I was already working two at the time to keep two horses.


Before she greyed out was she spotted ?

Maybe you should of had the barn cats singing in the stallions ear -

“Yes you want her”
“Possible she wants you too”
“There is one way to ask her”
“It don’t take a word”
“Not a single word”
“Go on and kiss the girl”



The last thing needed was encouragement. Good one. Thanks for the laugh.

OMG. What in the world made you think you should post this stuff?


I’m not sure mares are discerning about higher or lower priced stud fees. I think if a mare is in full heat she will hump a stoplight. it’s probably the timing. Of estrus. Not the connection. No amount of mutually shared spaghetti is going to get an unreceptive mare to stand.


What “stuff”?? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
HH described how many mares can behave when they are in heat… perfectly normal and occasionally gross.
I have 2 mares to be covered tonight. Should I tell them to knock it off with the winking and squirting?

They will not comply.

And some mares definitely will not stand for the stallion you may choose for them - at any point of their estrus. They just do NOT like them.

Ditto for stallions who refuse to mount a mare they do not care for - even if she is a grand champion of something or other and has incredible conformation…

This thread should move to the breeding forum! :smile:


But have you tried the spaghetti dinner or moonlight boat ride trick?



Sort of!

We have a retired 29 year old mini stallion here who looooves to court the ladies… while both bigger breeding stallions are not the spaghetti and moonlight type.

So Joey gets to strut his stuff for the girls… he murmurs sweet nothings… licks… nibbles … (metaphors to follow) he takes them for a candlelit dinner, brings them expensive champagne followed up by lots of wine, a delicious dinner and desserts… he whispers in their ears… has Barry White playing in the background… and just when he has the mood set and the mare is mellow - he tags out and goes back to his stall for a snack and the breeding stallion takes over.

For the mares here who are not keen on the breeding stallions - that seems to work. If they definitely hated that stallion, nothing would help - unless you went the entire twitch/light sedation/breeding hobbles routine that some follow - and we do not do that.


So what you are saying is, the Gentleman caller comes in and courts the ladies and leaves them all wispy and the girls are all, “I don’t want to go home now”.

So you got to call up the sure thing for a little, roll, roll, roll, roll in the hay.




Why are you [g] not using artificial insemination? Are you [g] using a breed that does not allow that?


I think lots of people still do live cover. Not just TB.


I’m talking about her posts and creepy stories. Taken together, I find the poster creepy and disingenuous. I’ve owned mares. I know what it’s like, I have no problem with the realities of horses, including stallions mastubating in their stall. It’s the manner, and attempts at normal folksy style she fails at for me.


Yeah, a couple of spots.


Just a few ! Lovely. :heart:

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Kind of laughing at everyone getting up in arms about the hyperbole of a mare being “in love”. Obviously no one thinks anyone is actually in real love, but pretty much all of us that own or are around mares have seen them “fall in love” with some random horse or other. Or have seen geldings “fall in love” with a specific mare. We have a gelding at my barn that falls for every new boarder mare that arrives, despite then being across the actual driveway from him so he can only see them but isn’t actually anywhere close enough to touch them. No, we all know he isn’t literally in love, but we still joke about it because he acts like a lovesick teenager.


There is a simple solution to avoiding posts you find creepy. There is an ignore feature that the mods mention often. It works fairly well.


Oh, I dont want to avoid your posts. That’s presumptuous of you to assume I’m looking for a “solution” to you. I just find your posts and tangents creepy. I’m more than happy to watch try to make yourself sound chatty using insincere disclaimers and inappropriate analogies and examples. I enjoy your posts.