Dutch harness horse drama. Update major mare/ foal neglect Nov 2023 post 1782 Update Kate Shearer responds post 1930 Nov 25/23

Oh god no! :joy:

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She was there through two seasons and hung out near the stallion in between seasons. While in season, she was receptive and more than willing. I was being facetious about being in love but come to think of it, there was probably more feelings like love there than a lot of marriages. :joy:

@Bristol_Bay, the moderator has responded to your concerns. As they should have. They responded to the actual target of Kate Sheare’s horrible behavior and acted on her requests. It isn’t appropriate for you to insert yourself, nor is it appropriate for you to demonize the moderators of these threads. If you have grievances, take them up privately.


Why are you now exhibiting the exact same behavior that you are telling her to stop?


Again, before you lose your temper at me, read the thread. There’s a timeline of the offensive and post and my flagging it and @-ing both the mods and WB1 to that post. The braider didn’t join the conversation until this morning. It took over 24 hours for mods to respond. I’m thankful that they did.

If you’re seriously telling me not to care if someone posts medical and financial information of a person who is not here to defend themselves, then bless your heart.

I have zero regrets.


Nevermind, I see mod already addressed this.

This thread is wild.


Yes! And when the foal comes, mommy and daddy and baby will all live together in a gorgeous mud-free and fly-free pasture. They won’t ever be ridden (cause bits and saddles are mean) but they will sport matching colored halters and blankets so everyone will know they are a happy family unit.

Stallion daddy won’t breed any other mares (cause that is cheating) and he would never break sweet maresey’s heart.

Pretty sure hut-hos breeding experience came from a Breyer horse catalogue.


That’s reassuring. Thanks!

My mare UpDuff* was going through some crazy heats. Literally weeing on next door’s mare and my gelding NotFabio* (her boyfriend, see later). The day I took her to the stallion SpanishFabio, it was like HORNY HORSE HERE GET OUTTA MY WAY! Lovehearts shot out of her eyes and landed very squarely on her new suitor’s big spanish face.

I reckon every orifice flapped open and she just about wet everything and everyone in sight. Needless to say, she had two spectacular breedings (best maiden cover that stud ever had) and up the duff first up, with twins. Horny horny horny doesn’t cover it.

Comes home smoking a cigarette, preggers and no longer horny. Doesn’t care about next door’s mare, but NotFabio… nah, that’s her boyfriend. She rubs on him, calls for him, makes little nuknuk noises at him. If I take him out, she stares at me like the Mona Lisa… stalks me round the property and tries to cadge her way into the arena.

Yesterday I put him and new RedHeadGal* in together, and UpDuff in with the Ancient One*… holy! Was UpDuff not happy. Screaming at the new ranga “minx”, snarling over the gate. The end result was… this….

That’s UpDuff surveying her handiwork. That steel post is bent at the base, not moved but actually bent.
Needless to say, I came home to UpDuff and NotFabio sharing a plate of spaghetti** and the poor RedHeadGal cowering at the other end of the paddock. No one was seriously injured but some bute and antiseptic paste might have been doled out.

UpDuff and NotFabio have been put into their own lovenest in disgrace, whilst RedHeadGal is living a peaceful life with the Ancient One.

So. Make of that what you will.

Hormone Acres does NOT cover this weekend’s mare-fueled drama.

  • Names changed to protect the guilty
    ** round bale of hay

I’m laugh-crying to the point that not only the dogs but the CAT did a well-being check.

I hope the humans got some aspirin for their pains too.


Oh for sure! This was migraine inducing.


I’m going to need you to write an entire horse romance novel please!


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Omg I’m dying!!!

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I’m thinking that “sharing a plate of spaghetti” is going to join canoeing and kayaking in the COTH lexicon. :laughing:


Thank you so much for this. :joy:


Well, I have worked with stallions who were in “love” with specific mares and refused to breed others. We have a mare here who disliked the stallion chosen for her a couple of years ago - but “loved” the older retired one. She refused to let the chosen stallion cover her… and made her wishes known vehemently.

Sooo… the older guy was pulled out of retirement… and the breedings were calm, gentle and successful. That pair lived together in blissful harmony - or the equine version of it, at least.

“Love” may be the wrong word… but it can and does happen. Humans are not the only mammals who can “care” or have an attachment. I am frankly a bit surprised that that idea has been pooh-poohed here… when I have seen it happen over and over again.

And NO - my 25 years of breeding experience did NOT come from a Breyer catalogue. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


But was there romantic music in the background and a candle?


I just wouldn’t call hormones that drive the urge to physically reproduce love. I get horses have preferences but I wouldn’t call that love either. JMO.

All I can think about right now is Night at the Roxbury

What is love?
Baby don’t hurt me…

Commence head bob