Dutch harness horse drama. Update major mare/ foal neglect Nov 2023 post 1782 Update Kate Shearer responds post 1930 Nov 25/23

See this thread on the HJ forum for more info and photos Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

Whoops, didn’t realize it had been posted up thread.

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I’ve recently been coming across a lot of posts from her on groups I’m a member of on social media where she is selling dairy quality alfalfa she trucks in. Everything I’ve read indicates this is not the best food for sport horses because it’s way too high in protein. There’s analysis posted of it as well but it doesn’t make a lot of sense to me because it includes some numbers relevant to dairy cattle and not horses. And yet her own stock looks like they are barely eating anything?


Just saw the thread over in H/J. Despicable.

@vxf111 here is a close up shot of mine at 5 months, you can see being a little ribby but also what 1. A decently fed weanling looks like, even one that had to be weaned early, and 2. What a decent coat is. Your baby looks great especially after a LONG trip.


Kate’s babes look appalling.


Yours looks fine. You can tell from the coat condition he’s healthy. Looking at the photos of some of those foals they look so poorly, not just thin but really poorly. I can’t imagine what could happen in less than two weeks to cause that?! Something really appears to be amiss.


Exactly. Our foals aren’t fat, but they are in good weight. Any of the pictures posted are not like our foals.

I’m so glad in retrospect I started this topic.

When I started it, was just about online craycray and wierd conformation. Eventually it seemed rather infra dig to keep updating on more of the same manufactured online drama. There were indeed some hints on FB that she had starving mares in Oklahoma a few years back, mostly because KS herself posted rants about how it was all a lie she hadn’t paid her board and how lazy could a young person be that they couldn’t get out of bed to feed horses and now she was bringing them all to her own farm in Florida. But no photos of horses or corroboration of any of this.

Now that her horses are closer to a big horsey area it’s maybe harder to hide.

I honestly did not expect this to spiral into a major horse abuse/neglect scandal. But in retrospect I not that surprised.

Anyhow I’m really glad I started the thread, and that KS had time to let us know who she really is so there is context for this really horrible turn of events.

I expect she is never coming back to this thread.


I had just weaned this guy. Not a pro pic, no photoshop, just a dirty fluffy weanling in a field. Still has shine, muscle and flesh. There are no excuses.



Not the best pic but the most recent one I have of my little guy. I’d be utterly horrified if he looked anything like the DHHs posted up thread!


This leads me to be worried about the dogs she breeds and owns too. German Short-haired Pointers, I think.


She has now deleted all mention of this on FB.


The internet is forever.


My young horse as a weanling:

It’s just inexcusable.

I photograph mine regularly (he’s 2.5 now) and he goes through some weird phases, but never looks starved.

Edit: he lived out with other youngsters. Free choice hay, grass, water, a huge straw bed in their giant shelter, and fed a little grain for developing foals. He was at the breeder’s place until he was about 1.5 years old. She breeds about 5 to 10 mares a year I would say.


Aww. Look how cute they are there.


I love his color! Nice background scenery too.

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Tangent but he is CUTE! Breeding?

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Those two look like they’re headed out on a fun adventure together. Just the way babies should look.


I bet it involves trying to lift a gate by sticking their heads through it and then off to a neighbor’s truck patch garden for maximum human hysterics.

Oh, wait, we’re not talking about my very memorable day.


He’s a PRE. Mostly Paco Marti on the top and Azores breeding on the bottom, with some Yeguada Militar.

I know 2 of his half siblings pretty well, and I love the breeder. She really cares and is very consistent in creating nice horses though her program. They have a great start to life too. We still keep in touch because she loves updates.


Love him. He’s substantial while still being modern.