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DWB Registration

I recently got a DWB mare whos 2yr old. I’m looking to register her, but am not sure who her dam and sire are. Is there anyway to find this out?


Are you asking about Dutch Warmblood registry (KWPN/NAWPN) or Danish?

Did you buy her as a foal? Did the seller not tell you the pedigree? If not, that might be impossible to determine. There is DNA testing, which can be used to verify presumed or known parentage.

But that requires sire and dam both to be in the DNA databank. At least IME; I had an embryo transfer foal, and needed to submit hair for DNA analysis to verify the foal’s parents, and to exclude the recipient mare as the foal’s dam.

And with DNA testing - it is important to realize you can’t just put in the offspring’s DNA and wait for a match, that is NOT how it happens. You have to know the parentage, then DNA can tell you if that parentage is inaccurate.