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Easing the Transition

Stick to your plan @Alterration. I’ve boarded at barns that cut corners, skimped on shavings or hay or quality feed. And all the while would have paid a higher rate for things to be right. There’s rarely a goldmine in boarding. Your place sounds amazing.


Thanks, it will be when we get it all fixed up. For now, I’ve turned the corner in care. The stalls are actually clean, all manure and pee removed, the feed quality increased tremendously, the hay is plentiful and the repair work has started. I remember feeling that way about my boarding situation as a boarder too and actually gave my barn owner more money on more than one occasion when something unexpected happened for her.

Hopefully we can transform this place into what it needs to be - baby steps!


Holy shnikes!!! That IS bad! The place I was at was never that bad and I guess I am at a loss for how even if someone is paid crap for wages, how they can leave animals to stand in their own crap no pun intended. Sounds like you are doing the property and animals on it a world of good!!!

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It really wasn’t her fault. She was told not to use much bedding and since she had to pay rent on top of being paid $10/day she was doing stalls before she went to work. I can’t blame her.

But yes. I was completely horrified. I’m fine with “country” or “casual”…but I’m not fine with whatever the hell that was lol