Let’s get right to the point: I’m a human Gumby. Smack my hand on my horse’s neck- dislocated wrist. Open a heavy metal door- herniated lumbar disc. Horse bucks: whiplash. My doctor and I are talking about the possibility of it being moderate Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome.
Do you have/know of any riders with EDS or a similar disease? How do you/they deal with avoiding pain and injuries? I’ve tried bracing pretty much every part of my body: back, knee, ankle, wrist. Name a brace, I own it. Nothing has actually been much of a help. Are there exercises that help, possibly? Or am I just going to become bffs with my painkillers?

I haven’t been biopsied to confirm but I am in your same boat.
Leading horses in equals a sprained ankle. Tying my shoe threw my back out.

What helps me is lots of core exercises to stabilize my back. I am tall and thin and no core strength anymore to hold anything.

When I was a college athlete (swimmer), I didn’t have so many issues besides the whole sprained ankles all the time and some shoulder problems.

So I can just offer my .02 but fitness is key.

I also have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, and I’ve joked with my doctor that I should really just have a regular monthly appointment so we can go over all the things that I’ve inevitably done to myself :stuck_out_tongue:

Physical therapy helps a LOT, but only if you have a really good physical therapist. And I have a lot of trouble finding “straight” and knowing where my body parts are, so personally, I need exercises that I can’t screw up. Exercise and PT done right helps my muscles do some of the job that my tendons should be doing, but if I mess it up, I trash my joints.

Good luck. EDS is really a pain. Literally. :frowning:

I was diagnosed at the Stanford Genetics clinic. If you do a search you will find there are a lot of us. Things that help - pilates, physical therapy, and overall conditioning including weights. For pain relief massage, acupuncture, hot baths, and then medication as needed. I have a fair amount of pain but riding doesn’t seem to make it worse and I think helps with core strength. I don’t ride the crazy horses any more and have switched to ponies and pony crosses, but I still event at prelim level.

I was dx by Dr Clair Francomano in Baltimore. EDS made so much sense in hindsight.

Add me to the list. I manage to dislocate my knee on a fairly regular basis by just stretching. Not much fun!

PT is great- it can help you learn what a safe range of motion is and build strength where you need it. Other than that, all you can really do (according to my doctors anyhow) is brace. It is such a pain though. I sometimes have to wear a knee brace to bed, which is super sexy and comfortable. :eek:

Good luck- I hope you find some things that help you feel better!