Eggbutt French Link legal?

Hey there! I hate to start another bit thread, but I couldn’t find anything on here about this.

I have a very fussy mare, and I have ridden her in a regular jointed snaffle for the longest time. My trainer felt that she might like the stability of an eggbutt and since she plays around with the bit a lot in her mouth, we thought we would try something jointed.

I found an eggbutt snaffle with the French link, and she seems to really like it. It quieted her down quite a bit. However, my concern is that this bit might not be legal for showing.

I could find where eggbutt bits with the thick lozenge was legal, but nothing about a French link with the eggbutt rings. I checked the USEF website and nothing was listed.

Thanks for any help. I have another jointed snaffle with the lozenge that I’m going to try on her next week to see if we get the same result, and if so, I will ride her in that to avoid question.

Thanks a bunch!

yes it is legal

Any bit combining a mouthpiece with any cheekpiece pictured above is permitted

so the double joint of a flat or peanut french may come in egg-butt or loose ring

Its legal. Here’s the link to the rule book:

Permitted snaffles are on page 30 of the PDF file (DR 121). Both the eggbutt cheeks and the french link mouth are shown. I always worked under the concept that any combination of legal cheekpiece and legal mouthpiece is good to go.

Unless things have changed in recent years, I think it is legal. I have had friends who showed at local schooling dressage and CT shows in this bit. Have you checked USDF?

USEF shows a “snaffle without cheeks (eggbutt)” (# 4-b) and a “French snaffle” with a French link (# 9) but that is a ring snaffle, not an eggbutt. Since they don’t bother to show a French link eggbutt but since it is a French snaffle; and since they show a single-joint eggbutt, I would assume a French link eggbutt is OK but one thing I have learned on COTH about USEF rules is “never assume.” Maybe you could contact them?

They also have this statement:

The center link may be tilted at
a different orientation from the
mouthpiece but MUST have rounded
edge. A Dr. Bristol bit is not permitted.

To me that statement says a French link eggbutt is acceptable, but again, I’d ask them. They really ought to show EVERY.SINGLE.VARIATION. of every legal bit.

Thanks everyone!

That was my assumption too, but like RPM, I try to never assume anything with USEF or USDF.

I checked the USEF rule book under the USDF restriction…so yes, I did check the rule book before posting.

I remembered a friend of mine is a TD…I put in a message to her for clarification.

Like all of you, I saw where the eggbutt was legal and the French link legal, but not the combination illustrated. I just want to make sure, because our shows are great about checking equipment and I don’t want to be eliminated for wrong tack.

Thanks Hoopoe. That is what I thought…but wanted to get clarification.

Hi. Is this what you’re looking for?,1460880&zmas=1,1&zmac=39,39&zmap=0010433000054X1-010433,0010433000054X1-010433