Well, it’s official, I have a diagnosis of EDS, from both an orthopedic doctor and a rheumatologist. The first doctor looked at me, did the flexion tests, then said, “you do know you are a textbook case, don’t you?” I was diagnosed with type III, although I had some symptoms consistent with Type II as well. I was an 8 plus out of 9 on the Beighton scale, plus I have GI irregularities consistent with EDS, plus the Reynaud’s. In addition, I had an MRI of my back, and I have an active disc bulge with annular tear and some other areas of deterioration. Did I mention my shoulder still bothers me from the labrum tear last year? The most immediate issue is my back, and I’m going in for an epidural injection next week. Suggestions are welcome. Has anyone tried Savella? I’ve tried gapapentin and lyrica, without much success, so savella is probably next on the list. One of my daughters is quite hypermobile, and the two doctors gave me different advice on what she should or shouldn’t do. Both said sports like gymnastics or martial arts were a bad idea, but the sport medicine/orthopedic doc said he wouldn’t rule out skiing or riding, both of which she loves. My younger daughter is only five, so too young to tell, but she’s already had some weird bony abnormalities and dislocated her elbow.
It’s a lot to process, and I’m taking a couple of weeks off from work. I’m trying out acupuncture and biofeedback, in addition to the epidural. It’s depressing. My mare is feeling a bit neglected, but luckily she’s finally reached the point where she is a good egg and does fine when I don’t ride her for a few days, and she is getting turned out with our pony. I can’t do much more than walk without my back going into spasms, so I think this pretty much sinks the spring event season.