Cramps are often magnesium related, I take a supplement every day.
For hydration and electrolyte support I use Liquid IV, though it is ridiculously expensive. And I usually eat a banana on the way to pickleball.
If I’m not being lazy, I make my own. It’s pretty easy to do and you can adjust the sugar, sodium and potassium levels for what works for you. I calculated based on the commercial products. I use regular salt and salt substitute (since it is potassium chloride) some sugar (helps absorb the sodium) and a squeeze of fresh lemon or lime. very refreshing and no artificial flavors or colors added. And cheap!
I have a weird system, my body will not store water, so if I am going to exercise, I have to fluid load or I will get heat exhaustion pretty fast. I won’t sweat and mt blood volume is normally low (very low blood pressure). And I need the sodium to pull the water in and hold it and keep my blood volume up to a level where I can do hard exercise. My kidneys will start kicking out the sodium and water a few hours later (as opposed to just peeing out all water immediately which is the normal case if I drink plain water).