I’m getting muscle cramps in my legs, feet and hands and suspect summer riding and training is messing with my electrolyte balance. I try hard to be a good water drinker, but I know I could do better. I could also probably use a carb boost prior to riding as I’m shattered by the time I’m done. (I’m in a pretty hard-hitting dressage training program 4/5 days a week. I’m in my 60s and in generally good shape but by no means a ripped gym rat. I live and ride at significant altitude in the High Desert.)
What I’m thinking about is something I can drink on the way to the barn to help keep me hydrated and electrolyted, and a plus would be with a bit more stamina, while I’m there. I will of course drink water as well. I’d prefer not to take something loaded with caffeine.
I loathe and despise Gatorade in all it forms. It makes me want to hurl.
Any suggestions for something palatable from you more athletic types?