Interesting info on a survey she took on the future of the horse world
Here’s the bad news:
- Over 50% of respondents are not reliably making any profit in their businesses.
- About 70% do not pay themselves on any regular basis.
- Well over 50% do not have one reliable day off each week, and just under 50% have not had any vacation in the past six months.
- Almost 60% of respondents do not contribute to any retirement fund or put money into savings.
- About 70% of respondents describe themselves as somewhat to extremely burnt out.
She continues
So what can we learn from all this data to help these professionals continue with this sport that we love? Four main areas stand out to me as the largest problems most trainers face:
- Business management practices
- Long-term financial planning
- Managing employees
- Running boarding operations in a profitable way
The rest of the article discusses her findings