just wondering if this board does email notifications when someone replies to a topic one is engaged in? (haven’t been recieving them if it does)
have looked but cannot see a “keep watching this thread” thingy (or anything else that might have the same function.
am on another board that is run on the same program, and it lets me know when another poster has responded, so i assumed that COTH would too, but so far nothing ?
it is a while since i signed up, and i can’t remember if i was using firefox or internet explorer ??? (would that make a difference? - i can’t see how it would but thought it best to add it)
Thank you in advance, appreciate your time. signed:
not-exactly-bill-gates-re-technology… much embarrassment. guess who just found what was required in the “additional options” in the “thread subscription” box far below? he he he heeee. sorry. perhaps it might help someone else whose having the same problem. (until you wipe it that is)
I am sorry if i’ve wasted your time.