Embarassing canter-induced bladder issues

yes, an app’t two months out IS ridiculous… see if you can rustle up a gynecological urologist (such critters do exist, they’re just few and far between).

how do you do when you sit the trot?

also, the usual bladder training routine is to go every two hours, whether you need to or not. (keep drinking normally); it helps to train your bladder to empty fully each time and reduce urgency. it may help. good luck with this

Not alone… after the birth of my second child (she did ooodles of damage) I had a hard time getting things back into working order. Which included incontinence. I had a good docs get me through that issue. Horse activities required lots of extra planning.

Alas now there are other problems which could be corrected with surgery except the damn health insurance is uncooperative so I have to save my pennies and endure it until I can pay out of pocket. :frowning:

Two months (6-8 wks) sounds normal for appointment time. Sadly tiz the way it is nowadays.


I was having a problem sitting through long drives (long then = 45 min), and literally even running to the bathroom I wouldn’t make it. Sucked. Realized I had way too much caffeine, cut that out and now all well. Might not hurt to check out your intake.

Adding to the already good advice you got here. Is it possible that before you start cantering to ask the instructor for a quick pee break? Empty whatever has built up and hopefully the pad can soak anything left that might seep through? Just a thought but you do have my pity and I hope you find something that works for you.

You are certainly not alone. My family has a history of Interstitial Cystitis. Years ago I had trauma to my abdomen in a riding accident, and after I had some nerve issues and my bladder was SUPER sensitive. Since then, my bladder seems to have sensitivity issues related to my anxiety level, also related to the trauma.

I was diagnosed by a Urologist with Overactive Bladder (Urge related). Good luck finding a Urologist that is female. They are apparently all male. You walk into the office and there are like 30 guys all sitting around in the waiting room. I suppose none of them can pee. I see a female NP that works with a male MD. See prescribed a medication that relaxes the walls of the bladder, which helps. For me, the urges are completely related to my level of anxiety.

You sound like you have stress incontinence according to this link: http://www.webmd.com/urinary-incontinence-oab/womens-guide/urinary-incontinence-in-women-symptoms

That might give you some ideas of other things you can do that might help. It was helpful to me even just to read about how common it is. In the very least, the Dr. can do an ultrasound to make sure you are emptying completely, and check you out for abnormalities and such.

It is a totally embarassing and horrifying situation though!! I sympathize!

your not alone! I have had a ton of kidney stones,surgery on my urter and UTI all the time. See a Urologist . I dont have a good answer for you. But I have “stress” leaks. I only wear panty liners when I ride. I know this doesnt really go with your question but I also use like baby wipes when i get sweaty “there” and now I wear under armor panties as they keep things dry.

I know nothing Ive said has really helped with your question but just wanted to say your not alone and it is maddening esp when you ride and there are men around.

Good luck

ponyhalter is totally right…good luck finding a female urologist!!! I have to see one on a semi reg basis…damn stones! And yes it seems like none of the men can pee!!! lol

i have the same problem—and only if i practice mat pilates (stott or classic) twice weekly can i keep it in check. it’s a muscular weakness combined with a small bladder which does me in. which reminds me, i need to start pilates class again, since my larger mare’s canter does me in every time. at least i have a synthetic saddle for her, lol!

One other thing, on using pantiliners or similar, unlike where you would put it for menstrual flow, you need to position it farther forward to fully pad higher than you normally would put it, if my hunch is correct that it is pressure from the top, pulling down on urethra, that is the actual cause of the problem. Good luck, and keep us posted!

I don’t know if this applies to you at all, OP, but I started having this problem when I was still smoking cigarettes.

Doctor told me if I quit, it might go away, and it did.

I never had the problem at canter, though - only when something unexpected would happen.:slight_smile:

I had no idea smoking could cause this - but apparently in my case it did.

For mild stress incontinence using a tampon can help. And before anyone starts yelling about the “wrong” place, I’m not suggesting they be used for absorbing fluid.

A tampon will slightly push against the urethra helping to keep it closed. If the incontinence is mild that little bit of pressure is enough to make a difference. This method isn’t as effective for more severe incontinence.

Because there is no menstrual flow the tampon should be coated with some lubricant like KY-jelly before use so that the fibers don’t stick.

If you give this a try remove the tampon right after your ride, no point leaving it in place longer than necessary. There are also tampons made specifically for incontinence. It’s a method you can try while you’re waiting for your Drs. appt.

You can google the words incontinence and tampon to get more information.

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I encourage you to find a female urologist. There aren’t many, but I think a good one is worth seeking out. My DH’s former wife is one. There are many non-surgical procedures to help resolve incontinence. Drug therapies, too.

Good luck.

so not quite the same problem, but it might make you feel better…or just laugh.
I have the INCREDIBLE urge to go (even after I do) when I ride in my field boots!! :confused: kind of a problem since I fall into the hunter/jumper category! :lol: seems to be worse when I really have to sqeeze into them. I think my problem may be reflexolgy related, but bizarre huh? Makes me a little untrusting of my bladder at shows since I never really no if it’s crying wolf.

Ps LOVE the alter!

You guys are awesome. Especially the brave ones who have been willing to come forward and tell me I’m not alone. I think I have a good plan of attack, and at the very least I don’t feel quite so isolated.

I do stay pretty jacked up on caffeine so I will try to keep that in check. I had actually read about the tampon thing in the same article that talked about holding your urine during the day, so I may give that a go too. Can’t hurt. And my depends will be here by the next lesson. :lol: Can’t believe I’ll be wearing those badboys at the age of 30. Lord give me strength (preferably in the bladder!).

Stop riding horses with “flowing” canters! :slight_smile:

Actually, you might try taking a Dexatrim about 2 hrs before you ride. The drug they give dogs for urinary incontinence is the same as what’s in dexatrim. That is of course, provided you have no other medical conditions and read the warning label on the box.


This thread is great. :lol:

I have no real advice…but what about sidesaddle? :winkgrin: That’s all I’ve got.

I hope this might help you, i’ve found that tilting my pelvis really cuts down on unwanted leaks.
As you’ve mentioned the Inverness problem, my guess is that you are crotch sitting? That is a very bad position for leaks!

…thoughts on mcclellans? (never seen one in the flesh, so i don’t know if it might work. pommel might be too high…)

My New Bride

Who just turned 65, had suffered with the “leakage issue” since she was 35 years old…It progressed over the years to a point where life was becoming centered around the problem… with limited activities ( no riding!!! ), daily schedule, et.al.

She is the mother of two children, 33 and 39 and is in great physical condition… With a gentle nudge from her new husband, me, she ended up having laproscopic out-patient “sling” surgery…Major advances on the medical front in last five years…We used the Medical College of VA in Richmond VA

It was a short recovery period, i.e. 4 to 6 weeks, and she is thrilled with her new life…I mentioned this thread and she asked me to share her experience…